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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 41

Chapter 041 Palmprint

On the way back, Hailey sat in the back seat and pursed her lips, not saying a word. The atmosphere in the car was very depressing and cold. Chris, who was behind the wheels, held the steering wheel tightly and drove the car carefully. He was worried that he would annoy Hailey if he drove the car unsteadily, and he would be caught in the crossfire.

He had been working under Hailey for years now, so he knew her temperament very well.

If she scolded a person vocally, it meant that she was not really angry. But her

silence indicated that she was holding her rage in. At this moment, it was better to stay away from her, or the innocent ones would get burn by her wrath.

When they arrived at the Garden of Rose, Chris got out of the car and opened the door. Hailey got out of the car and said calmly, “Go back and rest early. Come and pick me up at eight o’clock tomorrow morning.” “Yes,” Chris responded. Then, he observed her expression and uttered in

concern, “Miss Newman, I know that you’re upset about the plates. How about I contact Mr. Moore and buy the plates at a high price?”

Hailey frowned and looked at him coldly. “Don’t you have anything better to


“I’m sorry.” Chris shook his head immediately. Fortunately, Hailey ended the conversation right there and then. Watching Hailey enter the house, Chris let out a long sigh of relief and slapped his own mouth in annoyance. “Uh! Why do I have to say that!” It was not until Chris drove far away that a black car slowly drove forward and

stopped on the street facing the entrance of the Garden of Rose. The window rolled down, and Owen’s posed and handsome face appeared. “This is Shadowplains Mansion?” He sounded inexplicably cool and expressionless under the night sky. “Yes,” Jose replied. He looked at the information on the tablet and informed,

Chapter 041



“This place was originally a very famous rose garden in Poya. Later, it was bought by Scott Newman… Oh, Madam’s father bought it with a lot of money and transformed it into Shadowplains Mansion. It is also known as the Garden of Rose.”

Owen hummed faintly and looked into the distance. There were so many rooms

with lights on. Which one was her room? He seemed to be able to imagine what her room looked like. It must be a warm color and was filled with the fragrance of roses. It was clean and tidy, and was full of the homey ambiance.

For some reason, his heart was filled with longing and regret. He rolled up the window and ordered, “Let’s go.” “Mr. Moore, don’t you want to give the plates to Madam and cheer her up?”

Jose asked, slightly stunned. “Cheer her up?” Owen looked up at him coldly. “Do you think I can do that?” Jose said honestly after thinking for a while, “I don’t think so.” Hailey used to be soft-spoken and gentle, but that was in the past. She was no

longer the former self. In present, even though Hailey was smiling, one could feel the killing intent under her smile. It was very scary.

Moreover, after what Owen had done today, he felt that Owen should count his blessings for Hailey to not directly give him a punch.

However, there was nothing worse than apathy. It was not that she was not angry, but she simply didn’t give a damn. Jose’s nonchalant remark caught Owen by surprise. Owen pursed his lips and grunted, “Why do you give me such a suggestion then?” Jose answered, “Mr. Moore, I may have limited experience in the relationship department, but I know that women love to be cheered up and comforted. It doesn’t mean that it will work flawlessly even if you cheer her up, but if you choose not to do so, you have an attitude problem.”

Owen narrowed his eyes. “So, are you saying that I have an attitude problem?”

Feeling the intimidating chill, Jose quickly smiled sheepishly, “No, that’s not what I mean. You have no problem. It’s because of those porcelain plates that pissed Madam off.”


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