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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 42

Chapter 042 Vomit in the Toilet All Night Not only was there a palm print on Eve’s face, but there was also some bruise

at the corner of her lips. Hailey pinched her chin and accidentally touched her wound. Eve grimaced in great pain and brushed Hailey’s hand away. Turbid smell of alcohol gushed out. “Stay out of my business!” Of course, Hailey couldn’t care less about her, so she leaned against the door leisurely and watched Eve go berserk. Eve glared at Hailey with bloodshot eyes. “It’s all because of you! If you hadn’t embarrassed Luca in front of so many

people tonight, he wouldn’t have been in a bad mood and wouldn’t have slapped me.” She touched her left cheek. The pain and numbness hadn’t completely passed.

Tonight, Eve was extremely jealous because Luca almost spent a fortune on Hailey’s necklace. After the auction, she made some sinister and jealous remarks. Instead of reassuring her like he usually did, he slapped her.

His abrupt and harsh action caught Eve unawares. She stood in a complete daze, and her ears were buzzing for a long time. Luca yelled indignantly, “Are you done?! You’re so noisy like a loud stadium

crowd! Who do you think you are to be jealous of Hailey?! Look at yourself in the mirror! You’re nothing compared to her!” Eve was in pain and grievance. But even more so, she was afraid. Luca had been taking a fancy to Hailey since they were young. Eve had made too much effort to make him give up on Hailey and be with her. What if he went back on his word and refused to marry her?

When Eve thought of this, she panicked. Hailey could not comprehend her reason at all. She crossed her arms in front of

her chest and grumbled with a frown, “Alright, I might have embarrassed Luca tonight, but he slapped you! Instead of slapping him back, you came to me and made a fuss?”




“Yes! It’s all your fault!” Eve pointed at Hailey and bellowed, her eyes filled with jealousy, “You must be

so proud, don’t you?! So many men were fighting and arguing for you. The so-called Mr. Moore from North City and Mr. Holland from Belindao are famous big shots in the country. No wonder you look down on Luca. Those men must have satisfy all your lustful cravings, right?! In the three years you have been missing, you must have been with different guys all day long, right?” Hailey quietly looked at the enraged Eve and thought of the ladies in the charity dinner who were gossiping about her. One of them mentioned Eve. There’s no smoke without fire. Sure enough, Eve must be spreading the rumors about her. “I’ve warned you, but it seems you didn’t listen to a single word I said.” Frustrated, Hailey rubbed her eyebrows and summoned Lily. “I’m too tired to

deal with you tonight. You should calm down and sober up.” Then, she turned to Lily and ordered, “Get her hug the toilet bowl tonight and

get two people to watch her. She can vomit and rinse her mouth. Just do whatever she wants to do, but don’t let her get up.” Lily nodded immediately, called two bodyguards over, and escorted Eve to the

toilet. “Let me go!” Eve struggled with all her might, but she could not break free from the two burly men. After kneeling by the toilet bowl and yelling for a short while, she felt the turbulence in her stomach and vomited. Hailey did not care about Eve anymore. She put on her earplugs and slept


Eve vomited for a while. The two bodyguards dutifully helped Eve for the whole night, be it patting her back as she vomited and retched or fetching her water, but they forbade her from getting up as Hailey had instructed. Just like that, Eve knelt by the toilet for the entire night. As the time passed, she fell asleep.

Chapter 04! Vomit in the lonel J NIMH

Suite No. 66 of The Nomad.

Matthew, who came in uninvited, was sitting on a stool and carefully examined the four porcelain plates on the bar counter when Owen came out of the bathroom while drying his hair.

“So, are they really made in the 17th century?”

Owen hummed faintly as an acknowledgment and went to the kitchen to pour

two glasses of water. Matthew could not comprehend the whole matter. He clicked his tongue and shook his head. “Hah, you offended and pissed Hailey off because of these stupid plates. I am worried for you, man.” Owen drank half a glass of water and was indifferent. “What is there to worry about?” Matthew felt like a back-seat driver and cursed under his breath when he saw

Owen’s calm and composed appearance.

He suppressed the anger in his heart and mouthed patiently, “Let me ask you, why did you come all the way from North City to Poya?” “Business, Owen blurted with a business-like attitude. “Aren’t we going to work together on the development of the equestrian track?” “Yes.” Matthew nodded. “Do you know who our business partner is?” Owen was still indifferent. “It doesn’t matter.”


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