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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 87

Chapter 087 He Looked Clumsy

She said it in such a straightforward manner, which made Owen dumbfounded,

He was stunned, “How could you...”

Hailey snorted, “How could I know? Owen, remember that I know you better than you do. So don‘t try to

play petty tricks. You will be embarrassed when you are caught”

“...” Owen pursed his lips. Indeed, he was very, very embarrassed right now. He couldn‘t believe that she

actually knew

“Oh, you so stupid.” Hailey‘s voice sounded extra cold in the night, “You thought that getting a beating

would make me softhearted and change my mind?”

Owen‘s tone was equally cool, “I just want a chance to have you again.”

“What if I don‘t give you any chance?”

“Then I‘ll earn it myself!” Owen‘s voice was very firm, “You said you love me and it has nothing to do with

me. Now, I am chasing you, also has nothing to do with you. I won‘t say anything about starting over, because from now, I‘m going to start chasing you!” Through the dark, Hailey turned her head speechlessly to look at him, “Are you back to your teen? You are childish like a boy in adolescence. Matthew taught you to say that, right?” “Hmm.” Owen did not hesitate to sell his bro out. Hailey snorted coldly, “It‘s really the style of Mr. Holland. You become who you spend your time with, you know. Be careful of being led astray by him.” Owen was not afraid being led astray. He only felt that he was not bad enough. If he was half as bad as Matthew, he would have gotten Hailey back now. And probably they would have done everything... “He taught me those words, but it was also what I want to say.” Owen said softly, “Hailey, I found that I fell in love with you, the Hailey Newman, not Hailey Byrne. Can you understand?” Hailey froze. Of course she understood! In the three years of marriage, she was playing the role of “Hailey Byrne” every day, a glorified Hailey. She was kind, virtuous, gentle, and delicate, like a delicate rosebud, She thought that was Owen‘s type. But the real Hailey was domineering, cross, cold, independent, more like a rose with thorns, which could bloom and shine, and could also use its thorns to ward off all harm. He said he liked Hailey Newman. Unexpectedly, what he liked was the real her. But she couldn‘t help

thinking, ‘What about Eliza? Or is it that people‘s preferences change, the old Owen liked naive girl like Eliza, now he likes grown woman? So the real me just happened to be his type and aroused his interest? Oh, men. “You really want to chase me?” Hailey said proudly, “Well, it is not an easy task, not to mention you are on the blacklist. I advise you to give up from the beginning before you regret it.” Owen was pleasantly surprised to hear her finally relent, “I‘ve never given up halfway on something I‘ve made up my mind to do. It‘s challenging, but I like it.” Hailau vawned lazilu. “Good for you.” She was sleepy and didn‘t have the strength to talk any more

nonsense about feelings. She rolled over and slept. Seeing her back, Owen really wanted to rush over and hold her to sleep regardless of everything But they were separated by the sharp knife. Obviously, she didn‘t want him to be any closer. It was not easy to make her relent, and he couldn‘t afford to annoy her again So Owen just forbore and lay back down,

Hailey did not sleep soundly this night. She fell asleep near the wee hours. The biological clock woke her up, but when she opened her sleepy eyes, turned over slightly, and found that the hospital bed next to her was empty. Owen had disappeared. She frowned and hurriedly got up as she heard a rattling in the

kitchen, and the sound of frying something,

Hailey followed the sound and saw Owen standing in the kitchen in his hospital gown, actually frying an

egg. He was extremely sharp. He turned around just as she appeared at the kitchen door, “You awake?”

He showed her a light smile, but a drop of oil suddenly jumped out and startled him, making his eyelash

fiutter. He had to stop smiling, rushed to turn around to fiddle with the eggs.


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