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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 88

Chapter 088 Old Troublesome Geezers

As soon as Matthew said that, Owen told him, “Tomato noodles, by Hailey.” Then he even pretended to

lick his lips, with a look of reminiscence.

“You actually ate her handmade food?!” Matthew immediately went excited, sprinting over to check, “Any more there? I‘ve not had breakfast yet. Really? Not a single bite left for me!” After seeing the empty bowl and smelling the aroma that hadn‘t completely dissipated, Matthew looked eagerly towards Hailey, “I feel like eating that, too. Could you make me some?” Jose stood at the door, touching his forehead helplessly, ‘Guys, can you stop being sissies?‘ Hailey wiped her mouth and said lightly, “It takes long, you know. Maybe next time.” Then she looked to

Owen, “We are planning to go to the horse farm today, but you... forget it, some other day.” “I’m fine. I can go.” With that, Owen was about to get rid of the bandages on his head, but Hailey held his wrist and glared at him warningly, “You still have the wound on your head. It must not be exposed to air. If

you don‘t want to become a blockhead, behave yourself.” Hearing what she said, Owen actually put down his hand and nodded obediently, “Okay, you‘re the boss.” Matthew looked at them incredulously with his eyes wide open. Seeing his bro who was as good and obedient as a Golden Retriever, he felt stiff all over like being struck by lightning. It had only been one night, what had happened? How did he turn out to be like this?

When Matthew was about to taunt Owen, Chris hurriedly came with some anxiety on his face, and said to

Hailey, “Ms. Newman, Morgan and Reid came back and learned about the horse farm. They are making a scene in the company.”

As soon as he said that, everyone present‘s face slightly went downcast. Owen and Jose looked over at Hailey at the same time. Hailey, however, was extremely calm. She wiped her hands with a wet towel and

said faintly, “Well, what‘s done is done. They would know it sooner or later.”

Owen stared at her, “Do you need help?” “No, juts family matters. I can fix it.” Hailey looked back at him, “You get well and we get the horse farm

thing done as soon as possible, that‘s the biggest favor you can do for me.”

She put on her sunglasses and high heels, “Let‘s go and see those two old troublesome geezers.”

At Crystaldate, Morgan and Reid sat at the main seats of the conference room with gloomy faces. One was sitting with his legs crossed and twirling a walnut in his hand while the other was furious, pounding the table hard.

“How dare you! Are you going to rebel! You don‘t even inform me, and transform the land I worked so hard

to acquire into a horse farm. Do you know I‘m the chairman, huh?” Morgan returned to Poya overnight, and it was already early in the morning when he arrived at the Garden of Rose. During his trip to Cloudsouth, he didn‘t get anything good except a bunch of useless stones, and he had almost gone through his savings. On the way back, he had a fight with Reid, which was about

their past, and he was in a very depressed mood. When Eve saw her father coming back, she threw herself into his arms and cried uncontrollably, scolding Hailey for all her faults and complaining about how she had bullied her, Morgan, however, didn‘t care

about her so much. He perfunctorily comforted her with a few words, and actually said, “Your elder sister doing that is for your own good. If you can be half as smart as Hailey, I might not have to worry so


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