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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 90

Chapter 090 She Was on Fire in the hospital ward, Owen received the news as soon as the meeting in Crystaldate ended, “So, she won blg?” “Yeah.” Jose recounted the words of Hailey at the meeting, and couldn‘t help but be enraptured, “She was on fire. She dissed Morgan and Reld‘s asses off. Probably now they are spitting blood with anger.” Owen could not stop smiling as he listened. He had already known that how sharp–tongued she was. Even for he, her words were always irrefutable, let alone others. Jose added, “It seems that the Mrs. Moore is really in her element working against her weakling uncles. The people we have sent there are not useful for the time being, and there is no need for you to do


There was a little lost in Owen‘s eyes and he sighed imperceptibly. On the one hand, he appreciated Hailey‘s boldness and severity, but on the other hand, the stronger and more independent she was, the less she needed him, leaving him with a sense of melancholy that he was useless to her anymore.

After a long time of silence, he ordered, “Ask someone to keep an eye on Morgan and Reid. Those two old guys are not smart, but they are used to snatching things from others. They were just bluffed by Hailey today, but they may not give up. We still have to pay attention to them.” “Got it.” Jose said, “I will ask people to watch carefully.” Owen gave a faint “hmm” and looked down to work on the file, but Jose stood beside him, looking like he

wanted to say something. “Anything else?”

Jose hesitantly said, “The doctor said there‘s nothing serious going on with you. You can be discharged

at any time.”

“Oh.” Owen did not raise his head, signed his name on the last page of the document, and also took out

the rose seal and stamped his name on the document. Then he said faintly, “There is no rush. I‘m gonna

stay for two more days and get more rest.” Jose immediately understood, “I see, then I will tell Ms. Newman, the doctor said you need further examination, and have to stay in the hospital for two more days.” Owen was satisfied, “Hmm. Go ahead.” Jose was just about to left, when Owen suddenly added, “By the way, you tell her that I want to have some gastrodia fish soup, I heard that the soup is the most tonic for the brain.” “Got it...” Jose said, “You really have lots of guts. You know her temper now, right? And you still dare to make requests? Aren‘t you afraid she‘s gonna beat you up and throw you straight into the pot for fish soup?”

As soon as Hailey entered the office, the Vice President Ryker followed. During this period of time, Ryker was sent to the branch office in Peaceville by Hailey to take charge of a project. Actually it was kind of a demotion, just because he said something to Owen that should not be said and touched Hailey‘s bottom


“Ms Newman. I just learned that Morgan and Reid are back. They didn‘t give you a hard time, rlaht?” His

face was full of anxiety and worry.

Hailey turned on the computer but didn‘t say a word, Chris looked at them on the side and took over Ryker‘s words, “It‘s fine. They can‘t do anything to Ms. Newman They were crushed by Mr. Newman in a

few words. Now they finally stop.”

“Stop? You don‘t know them well. My uncles would never ever stop.” Hailey coldly said, making Chris stand straight

Ryker raised his head, and looked very serious, “Ms. Newman, please get me back to headquarters. I can‘t be at ease if not being around you at this time.” His eyes were fixed on Hailey, as if he was pleading

with her.

No one could match Ryker for loyalty. This was also why her father had tried to cultivate him, and why


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