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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 91

Chapter 091 Is He Like A Freebie?

Owen finally got to have the super delicious fish soup which was chunky and fragrant. Nodding with satisfaction, he felt his mouth was full of the wonderful taste and asked the person who served him the soup, “Is it cooked by your boss, Ms Newman in person? The soup was sent by Hailey‘s private

assistant, who was honest She replied, “Nope. I bought it from the restaurant downstairs.” Casting a

look at Owen, the girl added, “Ms. Newman said she is busy with her work and has no time for cooking

the fish soup” Heaving a sigh in his heart, Owen thought Hailey was being so cruel to him, and felt the

soup in his hand tasteless. He put down the bowl and wiped his mouth, ‘Is Ms Newman always that

busy?” “Yeah.” The girl answered, “Ms. Newman attended several meetings today, and has yet to have

lunch. And she is still in the office. I don‘t know when she‘ll get off work.” Owen frowned heavily

It was getting dark and Hailey had just finished a video meeting with saying goodbye She rubbed her

eyes wearily and closed her laptop. Chris, who was waiting beside Hailey, asked after closing his

computer, “Ms. Newman, shall I order some food for you?” “I‘m not hungry.” Pressing her stomach, Hailey

frowned, “I feel kinda heartburn in my stomach. Maybe I had too much coffee this afternoon. Feel free to order some food for yourself if you want.” She added as something came up with her, “Has Blair come back?” “Well, I‘ll go check it. She should come back.” Chris brought Sha to Hailey‘s office after a short while, “Ms. Newman.” “Yeah.” Hailey responded, “Have you sent the fish soup to him?” “Yes.” Sha described the whole process and said to Hailey, “Mr. Moore knew that you have yet to have lunch, so he‘s waiting for you outside. He‘d like to have dinner with you.” Hailey was stunned as if she had been struck by lightning. Well, she was sighing for having such a stupid private assistant. Owen found a random place in the office of the president. However, he didn‘t waste any time. Having some coffee, he replied some emails when he was waiting for Hailey with great patience. Hailey saw Owen in a light cyan casual outfit and a pair of white sneakers with a bandage on his forehead. Owen looked so dashing that even the bandage was like a hairband. There were bruises on his face, so he used several band–aids. He randomly pulled his black mask to his chin, but it didn‘t cover any of his killer charm. Hearing the footsteps, Owen looked up and cast a look at Hailey with his lips pursed, “Has the meeting been over?” The assistants of the President‘s Office had yet to get off work. They felt they were witnessing the

situation that a husband was waiting for his wife when seeing Owen and Hailey. Walking towards Owen,

Hailey asked in a cold voice three steps away from him, “You‘ve been discharged from hospital?” Owen


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