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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 93

Ullapler 43 You Deserve it What a wonderful meal they had! They talked about the northern suburbs racecourse project and the details of the cooperation had basically been finalized. They decided to check how the project was going the day after tomorrow, since Owen would be discharged from hospital then. Hailey and Owen were about to leave after the meal. Looking at the bowls and plates in the scullery, Matthew shouted with his eyes widened, “Are you leaving? Leave all the bowls and plates to me?” How could they do this to him?

Turning back with a cold glance at Matthew, Hailey said, “Do you know how much a meal cooked by me will cost you? Matthew shook his head after a pause, “I don‘t know.” “Ten times the pay of Chef Clayton Are you okay with it?” Matthew sighed after thinking for a moment, “How expensive! But it makes sense. You deserve it.” Matthew was flattering Hailey with his thumbs up. Ignoring Matthew, Hailey continued, “I don‘t charge you for the meal you‘ve just had. Right?” “Nope.” Matthew shook his head. “That‘s it. So you‘re supposed to wash those bowls and plates, aren‘t you?” Hailey said. Matthew could say nothing to retort. What Hailey said seemed to make sense. Pointing at Owen, Matthew asked, “Why doesn‘t he need to wash the dishes?” Raising his eyebrows, Owen said, “I‘m badly injured. Do you think I can wash the dishes?” Matthew was totally speechless as he cast a glare at Chris and Jose. The two of them said immediately.

“We‘ll do it.”

Hailey stopped them and continued to ask Matthew, “They helped me when we were purchasing the food materials. Well, what did you do then?” “I...” “I just asked you to wash the dishes, but why do you keep complaining about it? If you don‘t wanna taste the food made by me in the future, feel free to say it out. And I‘ll ask the cleaner to take them away.” Hailey said impatiently. Hearing Hailey, Matthew relied at once, “Fine, fine. I‘ll wash them. I can do whatever you ask, including killing a chicken, as long as you‘re willing to cook for me later.” Was there anything to do with killing a chicken? Being puzzled, Hailey frowned. Owen explained it to her, “He‘s scared of chickens.” “You‘re scared of chickens?” Besides Hailey,

Chris and Jose were also so surprised at it as they even widened their eyes. Casting a glance at

Matthew synchronously, they said in one voice, “You‘re a special policeman, but you‘re scared of chickens?”

Matthew was teased by all of them and started to defend himself, “Why can‘t I? I‘m an ordinary person,

so why can‘t I be scared of anything? Have I broken law?” Owen added, “Besides chickens, he‘s also scared of ducks. I mean he‘s scared of any acutilingual animal.” Matthew shot a glare at Owen to let him shut up. “Well, he‘s right.” Hailey slightly pursed her lips with a twinkle in her eye. Looking at her, Matthew

skipped a heartbeat and felt like she was gonna set him up.


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