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Love Is Fair by Kerri novel Chapter 92

Chapter 092 A Good Foodie

Hailey had been in the Nomad for several times. She always lived in Room 88 without going anywhere

else here. The decoration of all the VIP rooms were almost the same and everything Hailey needed could

be found here When Matthew came with the dumbbell in a sweat, he was so surprised to see Hailev

come with Owen as if he had seen the ghosts. “How come you‘ve been discharged from hospital? Aren‘t you supposed to stay there for more days?” Matthew asked Owen. “Why are you here with so many things? You‘re so welcome.” Matthew took the bags as he welcomed Hailey, ending up being splashed with the water due to the living fishes. He was so startled that he even stepped back, his eyes as wide as brass bells. “What on earth is going on? Are you gonna cook here?” Eyeing Matthew up and down, Hailey started, “You‘ve been working on your abs these days, so you won‘t eat the food I‘ll cook later.” “No way.” Matthew didn‘t wanna lose such a good chance of enjoying the food

cooked by Hailey. He put down the dumbbells and said to Hailey with a big smile, “I‘m not afraid of

getting some weight. My shape is way better than that of Owen. He needs to work on his muscles, since he couldn‘t even overwhelm some minions. Casting a glance coldly at Matthew, Owen was sighing for having such a crappy friend. Hailey asked Jose to fetch her some cookers and seasoning in the next room without paying attention to Matthew and Owen. And then she went to the kitchen. There was an open–plan kitchen in the suite, and almost all the electrical appliances were available. It

wasn‘t because Brook was thoughtful, but all these appliances and cookers belonged to a home

appliances brand of Crystaldale. The brand was created by Hailey‘s parents, and it was upscale and

famous. The industries of Crystaldale had been in a state of loss these years except for Nambon, which

should be the credit to the Kirklands. Hailey took the food materials to the kitchen and started cooking

with her apron on. These men couldn‘t just stand by watching Hailey cook, so they all wanted to help. However, they could be more of a hindrance than a help. Only Chris could do something helpful. At least he knew fishes should be eviscerated before being

cooked. Hailey was tired of them staying in the kitchen without giving any help in the end, so she kicked them out of the kitchen. Owen and Matthew had never used the kitchen since they moved in. They went

to the kitchen only for taking some cans of beer. So, the two of them were sitting on high stools, watching Hailey swamped with cooking in excitement. And they were so stunned at Hailey‘s cooking


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