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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 1080

Chapter 1080 Unexpected Rescuer
Beckham, evidently impatient, hastily left. After a brief parting, he set off towards the island without a moment's hesitation.

"Sorry, did I hear that right?" Jude's voice dripped with feigned surprise as he looked at Damien, a glimmer of satisfaction dancing in his eyes. "Mr. Lenoir has consented to my proposition?"

"Oh dear," he continued, his tone laced with mock incredulity, "Mr. and Mrs. Lenoir are meant to harbor an intense disdain for Gwenn, correct? Why on earth would they consent to my seemingly unreasonable demand?"

Damien clenched his jaw, the tightness betraying his simmering anger as he regarded Jude. "I concede that this time, I was ill-prepared, and you exploited that opportunity, Mr. Gray."

"But mark my words, if Gwenn comes within my grasp in the future, trust that your luck won't hold out."

With that, Damien pivoted on his heel and strode away from the café.

Jude reclined in his chair, the self-satisfied smirk still playing on his lips as he reached for his phone and dialed a number. His voice, deliberately loud enough for Damien to hear, carried across the space between them with a calculated sense of triumph.

"Guess what?" he began, his tone dripping with satisfaction, "I'm the victor."

"Mhm, that very same fearsome Damien you spoke of, I've outwitted him, and he was compelled to consent to my demand."

A chuckle escaped Jude's lips at the incredulous response on the other end of the line. "What's that? You're skeptical?" he teased, his eyes glinting with mischief.

"I've recorded our entire conversation earlier! The video will be in your inbox soon enough!"

With a resounding bang, Damien forcefully shut the café door, the force of his frustration reverberating through the air like a thunderclap.

On the other side of the glass window, Jude watched with hawk-like intensity as Damien departed from view. His self-satisfied smirk deepened, a silent acknowledgment of his victory in their intricate game of manipulation and deceit.

"Mom, I'm starting to doubt whether he can maintain his composure. You're certain that he's the one you've been seeking?"


"Gwenn, it's time to go!"

The prison warden's voice cut through the stillness of the Calais jail, echoing off the cold stone walls with an urgency that demanded attention.

Startled from her thoughts, Gwenn glanced up, her expression a mix of confusion and apprehension as she registered the warden's words. "Are they already scheduling my trial?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

She was in a disheveled state from spending days in prison. People who knew her would find it hard to recognize her at that moment.

The warden shook her head, her expression inscrutable behind the mask of authority. "No," she replied simply.

"There's someone here to fetch you. Quickly now, get up! Come with me!"

The urgency in the warden's voice snapped Gwenn to attention, her eyes widening in disbelief at the unexpected turn of events. "Someone has come to bring me out!?" she exclaimed, the words tumbling from her lips in a rush of disbelief and hope.


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