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Marrying the Man in the Dark (Damien and Cherise) novel Chapter 1081

Chapter 1081 Rescue and Reckoning
"Your rescuer," the man's voice held a hint of arrogance as he waved his hand dismissively. "As I've mentioned before, you're not entitled to know my name."

"Just bear in mind that your adversaries are Cherise and Damien. I'm someone who extended you aid, and that's the only thing you need to be aware of."

After that, he presented Gwenn with a card containing a phone number. "In the future, should you ever require aid, feel free to dial this number."

Gwenn accepted the card, her expression clouded with puzzlement, her eyes searching the enigmatic stranger's face for answers. "Why go through all this for me?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

The stranger's response was cryptic, delivered with a nonchalant shrug. "No specific motive," he replied.

Gwenn's lips tightened into a tight line, her mind whirling with countless questions and hypotheses. A stranger who seemed intimately acquainted with her struggles against Cherise and Damien, and even her complicated relationship with Evan and his infidelity...

It was clear that this man had been observing her for some time, and his motives were shrouded in secrecy.

And it wasn't merely an observation; he had intervened to rescue her and provided a means for her to seek assistance from him in the future...

In light of all this, Gwenn couldn't help but wonder about the true intentions of this man...

"Do you harbor feelings for me?" she asked, her brow furrowing with curiosity.

Gwenn regarded herself to be just as appealing as Cherise, possessing a figure to rival hers. It was not uncommon for random passersby to be drawn to her, search for her details online, and offer assistance whenever she needed.

With a subtle tilt of her head, she widened her eyes at him, her words measured and deliberate. "In fact," she began, her tone tinged with a hint of playful flirtation, "I find you attractive. Since you've come to my aid, I'll offer you a chan-"

"Take it."

The man's interruption cut off Gwenn's sentence.

Jude extended a small hand mirror to Gwenn, his expression inscrutable even though his lips were subtly perked up. "Here," he urged.

Gwenn accepted the mirror, breathing out a slow breath to calm her racing thoughts as she obediently scrutinized her reflection.

Despite the slight dishevelment caused by her recent ordeal, she couldn't help but recognize the natural beauty that stared back at her from the mirror...

"Have you thoroughly assessed yourself?" Jude asked, his tone devoid of warmth or empathy.

"Y-y-yes," Gwenn stammered, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she met Jude's gaze in the rearview mirror.

"Good," Jude replied curtly, his tone leaving no room for further discussion.

In one swift motion, he seized the small mirror from Gwenn's hand and flung it out of the car window with a casual flick of his wrist. The glass shattered against the pavement below, scattering fragments of reflection in its wake.

Chapter 1081 1

Chapter 1081 2


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