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My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate novel Chapter 17

I am so, utterly stupid. I'm sitting here waiting for someone to rescue me when no one who loves me knows where I am. I'm not going to sit here one more second like some damsel in distress. Instead, I'm going to help myself, like Merida or Mulan. I feel like crying: I feel so helpless, I might not even see my parents again. I'm even going to miss stupid Damion who always makes fun of me. 'Atleast you have 17 years worth of memories to bring to the grave with you,' My subconscious states but I decide to ignore her unhelpful comment. I'll try to get someone's attention, bust their ass like I'm Scarlett Johansson in the movies and get out of here. But unlike Scarlett, I lack the confidence and physical strength to actually kick someone's ass. But, sitting down and waiting for someone to come and find me was a option I could not depend on, and it couldn't be that hard. Right? "Hey Ryan?," I say trying not to sound too nervous. He gives me an annoyed look. "What?," he snaps looking from his newspaper to me. I rack my brain for one of the quickest lies. "Uh, I have to pee." I try doing the 'wee wee' dance, which was quite embarrassing but I would do anything to convince him enough. He eyes me as someone would to a suspicious person and then he laughs. "You don't think I'm seriously going to fall for that are you?," he continues laughing. I cross my arms and give him a unamused look. "You don't think I'm serious? Well, I guess you'll have to face the consequences," I tell him and attempt to pull my tights. He stopped laughing. "What are you doing?" A look of horror has shadowed his face and internally I give myself a high five. "I'm peeing on the floor, since you obviously won't be decent and let me use the bathroom." "You can't do that," he stammers. "I can, and I will because I don't have much of a choice, do I? I think you might want to cover your face with a surgical mask. Our pee doesn't smell good, especially girls," I stage whisper to him and watch him have a entire battle with himself. The poor guy is freaking out, how sad. I should get a Oscar for my immaculate acting skills. I might even think about becoming a actress." Fine!, "he shrieks." What did you say?," I teasingly ask but I had obviously heard him the first time." You can use the bathroom,"he mutters and pat myself on the back in glee. Who knew being kidnapped would be so fun? He grumbles something to himself before taking out a key and when he unlocks the cell, I mentally high five myself over and over. Are all kidnappers this stupid? This guy might want to retire; I'm not the most convincing person on Earth and the fact that this guy fell for my act is a sign enough. Spencer would be so proud. I step out of the cell and then remember that I still have on the handcuffs. "Could you take these off too please?," I ask in my sweetest voice and bat my eyelashes at him for more effect. He looks reluctant, but still slips the cuffs off of my hand. I was free! Time to get my plan in action. Without warning, I knee him in his gut and jam him in both his eyes with my pointer finger and my index finger. He falls on the floor with a 'OOF' and starts writhing in pain. I'm almost sorry for him. "Gerald!," he calls. "She's getting away." He tries to get up so I kick him and he falls to the floor once more. I hear footsteps coming, fast. Before I can even move, or decide where to run, someone grabs me. I try kicking and screaming but his hands are clasped over my mouth and he has pinned my hands behind my back which is very painful. How are these guys so strong? "Give me those," he says to Ryan who is now getting up, sadly, recovering from his temporary downfall. I. Am. So. Dead. Handcuffs-- back on. Me-- captured again. Life-- unfair and will be tragic for me in a few minutes. I feel myself getting pulled back into the direction of the cell but I cannot do anything. Because I am useless. Before they put me back in, Ryan walks up to me. "Why didn't she shift?," he asked. The person behind me seems as confused as Ryan and replies, "I have no idea. Maybe she can't." Ryan shakes his head. "But she's a werewolf isn't she? She doesn't smell like a human, that's for sure," he finishes. What in the human world are they talking about. As soon as they finish talking about me, Ryan's face showcases an angry as well as pissed person. He punches me in my gut and I try not to hurl. Damn, that hurt like a bitch." Does that feel good?," he sneers and goes close to punching my guts out again but he's stopped by a voice. "Hit her again and I'll make you wish you were never born in the first place, pup."


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