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My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate novel Chapter 34

"Emerald? Are you okay? You seem to be really out of it-" I snap out of my momentary trance as Spencer's words float into my head. "Spencer I have something I want to ask you. And p,ease don't freak out." I probably shouldn't ask her. Maybe this is my paranoia seeping into my unprotected mind. But I decide to ask her anyways. "Are you a, you know?" I ask. Spencer's face turns white for an instance and she gupls. "Yes." Spencer says at last. "Yes, I am." She confirms. I jump at my bestfriend and we both to the floor. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask Spencer with a stupid grin on my face. "We could've killed Vanessa and her cronies from in our Senior year!" I continue and Spencer throws her head back in laughter. "So many wasted time!" Spencer is still laughing and I think she'll have a stroke if she continues laughing this hard. I'm a bit bummed that Spencer didn't tell me earlier about this but I'm glad she got it off her chest. "I'm so sorry Emerald, I wanted to tell you." My best friend reads my thoughts. She sounds guilty, but I feel so bad because this must've taken a lot out of her to tell her best friend that she's half wolf, half human. "It's ok Spencer. I understand." I tell her and wrap her into a bear hug. "I'm so lucky to have a bestfriend like you. " Spencer mumbles into my neck. I finally pull away from our brief hug. "You sure are." I laugh and Spencer chuckles. Spencer tells me that she will shower at the bathroom of the room she's currently staying and tells me every thing I will need will be in the bathroom. She leaves shortly after, leaving me to my much needed shower. Before I can even open the door to the bathroom a knock sounds at the door before it is pushed open gently and Carter's face appears in the doorway. "Hey!" He exclaims and the entire room seems to light up from his presence. I take a seat on my bed. "Hey Carter. What are you doing here?" I ask politely. Carter is seated on one of the chairs at the door and I notice that he has a small scratch on his naturally tanned face. "Nothing. I just came to check up on you." He smiles warmly. "Oh." I reply shortly. Carter seems to be comfortable, too comfortable, which is bad for me because I really need to go and take that shower. "Uh, Carter?" I don't want him to be offended but I don't want to be dirty any longer either. "Yes, Luna? I mean, Emerald." He corrects himself hurriedly. I stand up off my bed. "I'm sorry but I've had a long day and I really need to take a shower right now." I tell Carter. His face is in relief, maybe because I'm not dealing with a severe issue right now. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll leave you to your bath then. Have a lovely day, Emerald." Carter finally turns to the door to leave. "Oh, and Emerald?" I sigh tiredly. "Yes Carter?" Carter turns the knob on the door, spinning it open. "Liam's really lucky to have you." He says briefly before giving me a small smile and shutting the door behind him, as it sounds his exit.


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