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My Brother's Best Friend Is My Mate novel Chapter 44

"Relax, it's only me, sister." A voice says as a man dressed in all black steps out of the shadows and stops a few metres away from Annabelle and I. The man is tall and lean and when a beam of light from the house bounces on his face, I can see his unusually pale skin.

"Rafael, what are you doing here?" Annabelle's face turns up and she scrunches up her nose, and for the first time since I've met her, Annabelle's once nice girl demeanor turns cold and her face scrunches up in disgust and hate. She must not like this man at all: they are both glaring at each other and they both look like they want to snap each other's neck.

"I see you've gotten yourself a new play thing." Rafael turns his head towards me with a smirk on his face and I narrow my eyes at him. He hisses at me and I see his fangs?

He's a vampire.

"Hey, Belle. Long time no see." A new voice enters this confusing conversation. A thin blonde slips out of the shadows and stands beside Rafael. She looks eerily identical to Annabelle. Am I getting caught up in some sibling rivalry war?

"If I said I was happy to see you Katrina, then I would be, without a doubt lying." Katrina fumes at Annabelle's words but Annabelle looks livid enough to kill her.

She looks over at me, and she looks worried. For me, my safety. "You need to get out of here." Annabelle whispers a few inches from my ear, so her sister and brother can't hear, although I'm sure if they want to, they can our conversation. They are vampires after all.

"Not going to happen at all." I guess they did hear after all.  Katrina, the blonde, barges after me and grabs at my blouse, and successfully pins me down to the ground. I can almost feel her take away a pound of my flesh in her fingernails as she pulls her hand away from my neck. Meanwhile, Annabelle is caught up in her own war with her brother as I hear them both in a heated hissing battle. I hear shoves and branches snapping but all I can focus on is the blonde vicious creature in front of me who seems to want to eat me.

If they are siblings, why are they attacking each other? Better yet, why did they decide to invite me in their war? I could definitely pass on this one.

Chapter 44: Bitten 1

Chapter 44: Bitten 2

Chapter 44: Bitten 3


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