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My Personal Lycan King novel Chapter 7


'Run!' That was the only thing going inside my head from the last 20 minutes or so since I woke up in this dark forest.

Currently, I was standing in the same forest, in front of that same beautiful lake, that I had visited two days back.

The only difference was the darkness. 

Everything around me was so dark and just black that I wasn't even able to pinpoint which way to go to reach back my home. 

Deciding that it was probably best that I wait for the sun to rise, I was sitting on this big rock, waiting for it to happen, while my mind was bugging me and telling me to run in any direction I could.

"Baby Vic?" 

I suddenly heard a whisper coming from a distance.

"Who's there?" I yelled back looking around me to locate the source of the voice. I turned to my right and saw some light coming from a distant source. 

I think I should probably go there, maybe that's one of the street lights of the town.

"Baby Vic?" The voice called again, this time from behind me. 

"Who's there? Come out if you want to talk. Look, this isn't funny. I am already having a bad day." I yelled back to whoever was it, calling to me. I wasn't in the mood for any games.

Soon, I saw a lady dressed in a white gown, laced with pink laces and flowers, coming out from the darkness, looking like a beautiful angel. And if I wasn't wrong this lady was not walking but practically floating in the air.

"Are you an angel?" I asked, wanting to smack my head at my comment. 

Even I don't know where it came from. She wasn't an angel but a ghost probably.

"No baby. I am someone you should know of." She said in her angelic sweet voice.

I looked at her closely observing every single detail, when something struck me. 

The thing that astonished me, was the appearance of the lady. 

She looked almost like me. Or the older version of me. It was just that she was more alluring and beautiful. The kind of beautiful I would never be able to become. 

She looked enchanting with her shimmering skin as if there was some invisible energy making her glow more.

"Who...who are you exactly?" I stammered, not knowing what exactly to say to this illusion.

This must be an illusion right? Or why would I see an older version of myself? A version that is calling myself baby.

"It's a dream," I said to no one in particular.

"It's a dream indeed. But I am reality. Don't you want to greet your biological mother?" That lady suddenly spoke again.

"Biological mother?" I asked in a hushed tone.

It was a foreign term for me. I never met my biological parents, I was told that I was adopted at a very young age, that was also because I found out that myself during the blood test when my friends made fun of my blood not matching with my parents.

"Yes, baby. I am your biological mother. And the man over there is your biological father." She said pointing in a direction.

Soon I saw a handsome man emerging out from the direction she was pointing at. 


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