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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 10

She led us into a large room and motioned for us to sit, "The doctor should be in soon."

She closed the door quietly behind her.

"I can wait outside if you prefer." Dane offered.

God, this man was amazing, "No, I would like you to stay...please."

He smiled as he walked to stand next to me and gave me a light kiss on my forehead.

The door opened and a middle-aged man walked into the room, bowing his head like I saw Ash and the young girl do.

"I’m Dr.Ethan Winters."

He stuck his hand out as he introduced himself.

I shook his hand, "Holly Ellison, nice to meet you."

I remembered how the doctor back home seemed to look down on me with disgust when I found out I was pregnant and wondered if this doctor would do the same.

"So, Luna Adria has filled me in the best she could." he smiled as he opened a folder and clicked his pen.

"You’re human, correct?" he looked at me over the top of his glasses.

I nodded at him in response.

He jotted it down in the folder.

"And you are pregnant by a werewolf.Do you know anything about werewolf pregnancies?"

He looked at me.

His tone all Dane growled next to me getting the doctor's attention, "Why do you think I have brought her in? Stop with the questions and just do the exam.And if! were you, I would watch my tone."

Dr.Winters quickly bowed his head, "Sorry Alpha."

He moved to stand next to me, listening to my heartbeat and checking my pulse.

"I’m going to need to do an ultrasound.Then we will know exactly how far along you are and make sure pup is doing fine."

I nodded in understanding as I lay back on the bed.

"Unfortunately, it will have to be a transvaginal ultrasound," he said as he turned to hand me a sheet.

Dane’s eyes narrowed at the doctor, "I’m sorry Alpha, but I don’t think she is far enough along for a regular ultrasound.This will be the only time we have to do this kind.You can wait in the hallway if you are uncomfortable or unable to keep your wolf in check."

Dr.Winters quickly realized his mistake when Dane took a threatening step toward him, "Sorry Alpha, again."

I reached out, touching Dane’s arm, "It’s okay Dane."

He stepped back beside me.

"I'll go get the machine while you get settled.Undress from the waist down and cover with that sheet."

He quickly walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

Dane turned his back to me as I undressed as Dr.his problem is today, but I will take care of it.

Dane commented before turning back around once I was covered.

I wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but I had a feeling the doctor would be regretting his actions soon.

It bothered me the way he was acting toward me when he didn’t even know me, but at the same time, I am used to it.

When you grow up the way I did, you come to expect to be treated a certain way.I laced my fingers through Danes as Dr.

Winters began the procedure.

"And there is your pup," he said, pointing to the black and white screen.

My heart skipped a beat as I looked.

It was tiny and was nothing more than a small spot on the screen right now.

But there it was.

There was absolutely no denying it now.I felt Dane wipe a stray tear off my cheek.

"Everything is looking good so far, Alpha.She seems to be around 8 weeks.I’ll give you a minute and then I’ll be back in to talk to you some more."

I noticed he wasn’t even acknowledging me at this point, only Dane, but that was fine with me.

Dane turned his back to me once again, while I got dressed.

"I don’t know if I can do this," I whispered more to myself than anyone.

Dane spun around quickly, "You can do this, and I’m doing this alone—I promise."

He leaned down, our lips meeting in a soft kiss.

Dr.Winters entered the room, clearing his throat and killing our moment.

Dane sat down in the chair and pulled me to sit on his lap.

"So, Holly, werewolf pregnancies are a little different.Everything will start progressing at a much faster rate.Our females only carry for 6 months, and you’ve made it through two of those already.The labor and delivery are the same as humans though.I would like to see you back in two weeks for a follow-up."

I looked at Dane, who nodded in agreement to the doctor as he led me back outside.

We walked in silence for a few minutes, "Dane, do you know of anywhere I can find a job? Maybe your mom would be willing to hire me as a waitress at the diner? I’m a decent waiter."

I looked at him hopefully.I really need to start getting some money coming in fast.

If I only have four months until I have the baby and that’s assuming I can work until I go into labor, I don’t have much time to get everything I need to buy.

I hadn’t noticed where we were going until I heard Adria, "Come in dear! How did the appointment go?"

I smiled at her as I looked around.

We were at the huge house that Dane called the packhouse.

Adria held the door open waving her looked back at Dane, who still hadn't spoken since we left the clinic.


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