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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 18

“it’s almost time,” I heard someone say softly.

Almost time for what? The sound of voices around me began to grow louder until I realized who they were.

..Dane and Dr.

Winters? I heard a door close and then, “Blaze! Do.





” I heard Ash growl out lowly.

I slowly blinked, my eyes trying to adjust to the bright light.

The first thing I saw was a little Blaze in a standoff with Ash.

“Go wait with your mother,” Ash pointed toward the door.

Blaze stayed where he was.

Ash looked as though he was about to explode.

“Hey Blaze,” my voice raspy.

Ash and Blaze both ran to the side of my bed.

“I’ve let Dane know you are awake.

How do you feel?” Ash questioned.

I thought for a minute, “Tired.” That’s the only word to describe how I felt.


I felt like I could sleep for a week.

The door flew open as Dane came running in.

He gently wrapped his hands around mine and gave me a light kiss on my forehead.

“Hey,” I told him, “What happened?” He sighed and looked down, “I failed you, that’s what happened.” I stared at him, waiting for him to explain, “You’re dehydrated, stressed out, and not eating enough.

All of those understanding, “Okay, so how did you fail me?” I understood what happened to me and why, but how did he fail me? “I wasn’t making sure you were okay.

I wasn’t making sure you were getting enough to eat or drink.

I didn’t make sure you were resting enough; I should have done a better job taking care of you.

I was distracted by Kain and having you that I didn’t pay attention to anything else.

I’m sorry.” I scoffed, “Really Dane?” He looked at me and I could tell he really believed what he said, “this isn’t your fault.

There is nothing you could have done any differently.

I’m grown...I should have been the one making sure I was doing right.” I could tell he didn’t believe me though.

“When dol get to go home?” Just then Dr.

Winters walked into the room, “If you feel okay then you can go home already.” Thank God! I hate hospitals! Dane helped me get dressed, even though I told him I was perfectly capable of dressing myself.

Once I had my shoes on, Dane bent down scooping me into his arms, “What are you doing?” I questioned as I tried to wriggle my way out of his arms.

“I’m going to carry you.” He said bluntly as he walked out of the hospital and down the path to our house.

I knew I couldn’t get out of his grip, so I snuggled up Oh my god! The ceremony!! What time is it??” I screeched, remembering that it was tonight.

Dane shook his head, “ Don’t worry about it.

Genesis sat with you at the hospital while I announced you to the pack.

I told them you were sick, but they would be able to meet you as soon as you feel up to it.” He kept walking, not even worried about me missing the ceremony.

“(feel up to it now, so let’s go to the packhouse so I can meet them,” linsisted.

Dane kept walking, “Not tonight.


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