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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 2

I groaned as I woke up, my whole body felt heavy, and my mouth was dry as if I had eaten an entire bag of cotton balls.A chill ran up my spine as I remembered what had happened.My head spun, "Stay calm, princess,"

I heard Blaze’s calming voice as I tried to sit up.I couldn’t see a thing in the darkness that surrounded us, wherever here was.

"Blaze? Oh my god, are you okay? What happened? Where the hell are we?" my heart began to race as the reality of our situation set in.

But I couldn’t have been happier to know that he was okay.

"Shhh...It’s okay.I won’t let anything happen to you; I promise."

The sound of his calm voice seemed to calm me some.

"Blaze, who was that man?" I whispered, unsure if anyone else was around to listen to our conversation.

"That would be Devin, and he drugged us with wolfsbane.High doses of it."

His voice was laced in anger as he spoke.

My eyes widened in shock.

Devin? The Devin from the stories everyone told me about.The Devin that everyone thought was dead.

My mate? The comment Devin made before I passed out ran through my head.

"Blaze, what did he mean when he said you could possibly be my mate?" I could hear Blaze sigh as if he was unsure of what to say.

"I guess he is referring to the prophecy.Anyone you grew up around could be you shift."

I knew that, and I also knew that my mate would have already given up on finding me and moved on by the time I shifted.I heard a door bang before I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to adjust to the sudden bright light that filled the room.

"Thought I heard the two of you in here talking."

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Devin standing near the cell door.I looked around and gasped when I saw Blaze chained up on the opposite side of the cell.

Thick chains held his arms above him, with shackles around his ankles.

This sight broke my heart.I moved, trying to crawl to him, but my body felt too heavy.

"Aww, look at that, but just a warning, you will regret it if you try to get close to him," Devin snarled at me.

Blaze let out a growl as he eyed the sickly-looking man, "Hurt her, and I will make sure you suffer along, painful death before I rip your throat out."

Devin let out a dark chuckle before clicking his tongue, "Don’t try to be a hero, kid.Haven’t you heard? Heros always end up dead.But don’t worry, it won't be her I hurt; it’ll be you.Well, at least until my patience runs out anyways."

"Go to hell," I sneered as I held on to the wall to stand up.

Devin opened the cell door and slowly made his way toward Blaze.

I tried not to show how scared I was as he stared at me intently.

With a nod of his head, another man entered the cell, a smile plastered on his face.

"Finally," he said before laying into Blaze.

The sound of the man’s fist connecting with Blaze had me cringing.

"STOP!" I shouted as I way as he lifted his hand, "Trey!"

Relief washed over me as the man stopped his assault on Blaze.

Blaze turned his head, spitting blood onto the concrete floor, "Is that it?"I narrowed my eyes at Blaze; I couldn't believe he was trying to taunt them into beating him more.

"Take the chains off, and we can have some real fun,"

Blaze smiled at the two, not paying any attention to me.


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