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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 22

Dane walked into the room smiling as he carried a tray of food.

“I could have come in there and ate at the table,”

I told him, feeling a little guilty.

He shook his head as he placed the tray on my lap, “Why would you do that when I am perfectly capable of bringing it to you?”

I couldn’t help the guilty feeling that seemed to settle in the pit of my stomach.

I tried to hold back tears as I started picking at the food, “Talk to me, ”

he said softly.

I did my best to swallow the lump forming in my throat, “This is my fault.

You didn’t have any problems until I showed up and now y'all are being threatened by another pack.

You just handled Kain and his family and now you are cooking and waiting on me hand and foot...I should be doing this for you.”

By this point, the flood gates had opened.

Dane pulled me to sit in his lap as his hands snaked around my waist, “You have done nothing wrong.

I love having someone to wait on hand and foot.

I handled Kain because that is my job and even if it wasn’t, I still would have done it, and just so you know, the Oakwood Pack isn’t the first pack that we have fought.

Though I think they will be the He always knew what to say to calm me down, except this time I still couldn’t shake this nagging feeling.

I wasn’t sure if it was just because Kain said he would be back or if it was something else altogether.

I ate as much of the meal as I could, thanking Dane a million times for everything he has done for me.

“Babe, I have something I need to take care of, Ash will be with me.

It shouldn’t take long, but mom is going to come over.

You rest and I will talk to the doctor before I come home.

Love you.”

He pulled the blankets over me before kissing me on the forehead.

“What do you have to do?”

I questioned, finding it a little odd at how vague he was.

He looked everywhere but at me before answering, “Just some pack stuff, shouldn’t take long.”

Somehow, I knew he wasn’t being completely honest with me.

I narrowed my eyes at him as I heard his mom announce herself as she came through the front door.

“I’m going to talk to Nyla.

See if I can get some answers from her.

She was the one that told Kain you were here.

We don’t know how she knew he was looking for you though.”

I nodded and rolled over, letting sleep overtake me.


I looked around realizing I was in the woods again.

The only light from the full moon peeking through the tops of dreaming, but it felt so real.

It was just the same dream, right? I started walking with no idea where I was heading when I heard it.

/wilf see you scon.I spun around in circles trying to find who was talking.

A sound to my left had me turning again.

A wolf stood behind the trees, its bright blue eyes staring straight at me.

The wolf let out a loud bark, scaring me.

I screamed as I fell back, my eyes popped open asI sat up in bed breathing hard.

The bedroom door bounced off the wall as Adria came running into the room frantically.


she spun around checking the room before sitting next to me.

“What happened?”

I began telling her about my dream, and how it was not the first time I had had it.

Adria looked shocked, to say the least.

Her face seemed to pale as her eyes grew wide.

“Adria, what is it? Please tell me what it means.”

I begged her.

I could tell by her reaction that she knew something.

“We'll talk when Dane gets home dear.”

She stood to leave the room, “Is there anything you need?”

I shook my head as I laid back down.

Why did she react that way when I told her about my dreams, and why did we have to wait for Dane? Couldn’t she just tell me right now and then we could tell Dane later? Having to wait made me nervous.

I decided I would take a shower to try to sleep again right now.

I couldn’t get my mind to shut off.

I made my way to the bathroom and turned the hot water on, letting the bathroom fill with steam.

I stepped in front of the mirror while I waited for the water to warm up, a little surprised to see how fast my belly was growing.

I wasn’t sure how normal this was.

I could see a major difference today.

The hot water rolling down my back seemed to relax my tense muscles some.

“I’m home babe,”

I heard Dane’s gruff voice.

I wasn’t sure how long I had been in there, but I felt a little better.

I shut the water off and stepped out to find Dane waiting for me with a warm towel to wrap me in.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise, “What?”

I asked him as I quickly grabbed the towel from his outstretched hands.

“Sorry, it’s nothing.”

He tried to lie.

I gave him a pointed look, “It’s just that you are showing a lot more than I realized.


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