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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 26

Dr. Winters was waiting for us when we arrived, leading Dane to a room down the long hallway. The pain was excruciating. I had heard how painful labor was, but I never imagined it could be this bad. I felt like I couldn’t breathe every time a contraction started. Dr. Winters began examining me as soon as Dane had laid me down on the bed. “It’s time,”

he looked up at me, “

when the next contraction starts, I need you to take a deep breath and push as hard as you can.”

With the next contraction, I started pushing, squeezing Dane’s hand as I screamed. I wasn’t sure how long I had been pushing but it felt like hours, and I was exhausted. The pain was almost unbearable. “I can’t do this anymore,”

I looked at Dane. He brushed the hair from my face before placing a kiss on my forehead, “You can do this babe. You’re almost done.”

With a deep breath, I began pushing again. “One more time Luna,”

Dr. Winters said encouragingly. I squeezed Dane’s hand as another contraction started. Within minutes, the small room filled with the sweet cry of my baby. “It’s a girl!”

Dr. Winters grinned as he held up my daughter. No, our to me. “She’s beautiful and looks just like you, babe.”

Dane slowly ran one finger along her cheek. She did look like me. I was amazed at the amount of chocolate brown hair covering her small head. Her bright green eyes stared into mine. I had never felt so much love for one person before. The nurse walked up to the side of my bed, reaching her arms out, “Luna, we need to examine her real quick, and then she will be all yours.”

I didn’t want to hand her to this woman. She seemed nice enough, but Kain’s words started playing in my head. Then I thought of how Nyla had been talking to Kain, working with him. What if this woman was doing the same and she handed my daughter over to him? “Pll go with them. I promise she will be safe.”

Dane whispered to me, never taking his eyes off the precious little girl lying in my arms. I reluctantly handed her to the nurse and watched as Dane left the room with them. As silence filled the room, I started to doze off. Exhaustion slowly taking over. A small knock on the door had me wide awake, “Come in!”

I hollered. The door opened slowly as Genesis and Adria walked in grinning. Adria quickly went into mother mode, “How do you feel dear?”

she questioned as she gave me a hug. “Your food I chuckled lightly, “I’m fine thanks. I’m just so tired, but the pain isn’t as bad now as it was during labor.”

I joked with her. Her lips formed a tight line, “Genesis, go find Dr. Winters and have him bring something for her pain. He knows she doesn’t have a wolf, so her healing will be much slower than ours and her pain tolerance isn’t like ours either.”

Genesis quickly nodded and made her way out the door. “Really, it’s okay. I can wait for the nurse to come back.”

Adria shook her head, “No, it’s no problem. You just gave birth. The least they could do is give you some pain medicine.”

Ayoung girl knocked on the door carrying an assortment of food, with Dain following in the room behind her. He had a small pink bundle in his arms. I reached my arms out ready to have my baby back in my arms. He carefully handed her to me, “There is a very impatient little boy waiting to see her...”

he chuckled lightly, “Do you have any names picked out?”

I hadn’t even thought of names much...I mean I had a few that I liked, but I hadn’t decided on one yet. “I really like the name, Kyra. What do you think?”

I asked Dane, quietly afraid of waking her up. She looked so peaceful sleeping. “

Kyra Black....”

Dane whispered his eyes, never leaving her. I raise her as his own, but I guess I hadn’t thought about her last name. My heart swelled with love. He wanted her to have his last name. “I think it sounds perfect.”


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