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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 32

We had spent the past five days training from sunup to sundown, only stopping to eat.

My training consisted of working with Ash in the mornings, Dane after lunch, and Alpha Dayton in the evenings.

All of them have told me that I’m a natural, but I still am not near as good as they are.

I have even seen Adria and Zayd training.

I was very surprised at Zayd; even though he walks with a cane, he is still a force to be reckoned with.

He is still a good fighter in human form, but when he shifts to his wolf, he is much better.

After a heated discussion, it was decided that Zayd and Adria will protect the packhouse should anyone make it in.

Genesis will be with Blaze and Kyra and the other woman and children in the bunker under the packhouse.

She didn’t want to at first but finally agreed to it.

Some women have stepped up, volunteering to fight, and have been training alongside men.

Dane had never told women they couldn’t be warriors, but with such a large pack, they just never really wanted or needed to.

We haven't heard anything from Tatiana since her last appearance, but she did say she wouldn't be back until Apollo arrived.

I wish she would come before then.

She could train with us, and maybe even teach us a thing or two.

The office door flew open as Genesis came running in with Kyra in her arms and Blaze leading the way.

“What happened?”

I questioned as I ran to her, grabbing Kyra from her arms.

She looked at Blaze and nodded her head.

“Something bad is about to happen,”

he said confidently.

Dane stood and walked beside me, taking Kyra from my arms as Ash picked up Blaze.

“What do you mean son?”

Ash asked the little boy.

“In my dream, a lady talked to me,”

he told his dad.

“What did she say, wiggled from his father’s arms and ran to stand next to Dane.

“He will be here tomorrow my little warrior.

Don’t worry though, you are ready to protect her.”

We all looked at each other in shock.

Blaze wasn’t done talking though, “Kyra is special.

She will have power that no other has had ina thousand years.

She has been blessed.”

Dane growled, causing everyone except me to kneel, bowing their heads.

“He will not get either one of you! Holly, you will be in the bunker with Genesis and the kids.

There is no way he will get to you in there.”

Anger built inside of me at his words, “NO! I will not run or hide from him anymore! I’m not going to sit by while everyone fights for me.

I will fight alongside you, as a true Luna should, I will protect our daughter, family, and pack from this monster!”

I was shaking with rage, daring Dane to try to stop me.

He stared at me for what felt like hours, “I understand Holly, but babe please, I need you safe.”

His voice was softer now and full of so much emotion.

I stepped closer to him, resting my hand on his arm as I leaned and gave Kyra a kiss on the cheek.

“I know Dane, but I have to do this.


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