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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 5

As I was opening the front door to leave Dane grabbed my arm gently.

"Look I don't know anything about your life or the people you grew up around but we tend to do things a little different around here.I offered you a place to stay: that Add means I don't expect any kind of payment."

His voice was so gentle when he spoke to me.

I stood frozen in place, why he being so nice to me? No one did anything for free, not anymore, so what was he expecting from me? I tried to options discreetly wipe away few stray tears to no avail 0 M.O.

[Follow I God, what was with mel I swear I have been on the verge of crying ever since I met this man I'm not one to cry in front of people, especially men.

Dane slowly turned me around to face him, "Talk to me, please."

He asked quietly as he, once again, wiped my tears away.

I shook my head, "Why in the hell are you being so nice to me? You don't even know me?"

He smiled, "I like to think I'm a nice person, and like I told you earlier...you are my mate...so there is absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for you."

I groaned internally as his fingers left a trail of sparks across my face.

His smile was so mesmerizing.

Then I snapped back to reality...mate...that damn word again.

"Okay.look I need to know what that means."

I looked at him trying to focus on anything except his scent that seemed to swirl around me.

He sighed, "Okay, how about this—you stay the night here and in the morning me and momma will come and talk to you over breakfast? If you decide to leave then I will take you to your car, though I do hope you will decide to stay."

I nodded in agreement as I walked back over to the couch and plopped down, letting my bag fall onto the floor beside my feet.

"Make yourself at home.The kitchen is stocked, and you help yourself to anything you find in here.If there is anything you need just flash the porch light and I'll be right over.Okay?" he stared at me, well more like stared into my soul and beyond.

I could get lost in his eyes.I smiled thanking him as he walked out and shut the front door.

After a few moments, I decided to explore the house.

Each room was just as stunning as the living room.

This place was huge, and it was so quiet out here.

I usually enjoyed the silence, but this was too quiet.

There were four guest bedrooms and a master bedroom and a total of three bathrooms, counting the master.

I grabbed my bag from the living room and walked into the master bathroom.

It had the biggest jacuzzi bathtub I have ever seen.

At least 6 adults could fit in it comfortably.

The floor and walls were covered in shiny white tile with a hint of grey.

The grey almost looked like smoke swirls drifting across them.

I sat my bag down on top of the grey marble counters as I looked around in awe.

As I turned on the bathtub faucet, I found that someone had placed new bottles of shampoo, conditioner, bubble bath, bath oil, bath salts and lotions in a basket next to the tub.

They must refill this after each guest to have it ready for the next person.

I pulled the bubble bath out and put a good size squirt into the bathtub.

Soon the whole room smelt like warm apples with a faint hint of cinnamon and vanilla As I laid in the bath soaking.

I swear I heard growling outside the bathroom window.

I held my breath as fear started taking over.

It fell silent again and I wasn't sure if I really even heard anything.

Just as I was beginning to relax again a loud growl, even louder than the first one erupted.

I jumped, deciding my bath was over and quickly got dressed and made my way out into the bedroom I sighed as I fell back onto the king size bed.

I curled up between the grey silk sheets and the grey and white fluffy comforter.

This bed was so soft it felt like I had just laid down on a damn cloud.

I loved it and so did my aching body.

I was starving, but I didn't want to move for two reasons: one, this bed was beyond comfortable and second, I was kind of scared after hearing the growling outside.

A howl in the distance brought me out of my thoughts.

Okay, comfortable or not I could not be here.


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