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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 60

Part 2: Chapter 13

Blaze POV

As we returned home, I couldn’t help but steal glances at my beautiful mate.

Her wolf was stunning, to say the least.

Her solid black fur seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, and her green eyes seemed to glow.

She wasn’t huge, but anyone could feel the power she held within.

I had seen black wolves before, but nothing like her.

She seemed more relaxed now, knowing her dad would get Devin; it was as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

I just hope I can help her work through all the emotions she is feeling now.

Kyra slowed before coming to a stop, her hair standing on ends as she sniffed the air.

I walked around her, nudging her with my nose.

Do you smell that? She questioned through our mind link I just recently found out we had.

No, what is it? Vampires.

More than one.

The wind shifted, and that’s when the scent hit me.

I still couldn’t tell for sure which direction they were coming from handle herself, but it’s engraved in my very bones to protect her.

We heard leaves and twigs breaking before we saw them emerge.

Three of them.

I let out a low warning growl as I crouched down, ready to attack should I need to.

“What are two pack wolves doing out here alone?” the man in the middle hissed as he stared at us.

His two companions only smiled.

I recognized the tallest one; I had seen him at Dominick’s when we were there.

“Ican’t believe it,” he said as he stepped forward, “this is the girl King Dominick has pledged to stand by and her mate.

The ones he housed not too long ago.” He turned and faced his friends.

“If they are both here, that means Devin hasn’t managed to catch her yet.

He was going to send rogues after her,” he laughed as he spoke, “I tried to tell him they would be useless against her if he couldn’t even handle her.” I didn’t like the way this was going, and I had a feeling he was involved in Devin’s escape.

“With her, we can negotiate new terms with him,” he said thoughtfully as he stared at my mate.

My anger was almost to its boiling point.

I am sick and tired of everyone trying to take my mate or kill my mate.

I began stalking closer to the men, causing them to take a step back.

“We don’t give a s**t about you, just let us just hand her over, they were bigger dumbasses than I thought.

Even if she wasn’t my mate, I would never do that.

Obviously, they have no idea what loyalty is.

I eyed the three of them, deciding which one I should rip apart first.

I would like to save the one I recognized so I could question him before I killed him.

I lunged, grabbing the one closest to me and ripping his throat out.

I felt as though I had moved faster than ever before as I spun around, grabbing the second one and giving him the same fate as his friend.

I stalked toward the one I recognized growling, his companions’ blood dripping from my fangs.

“I-I-I’ll just be going now...” he stuttered as he tried to turn to leave.

“Kneel.” I not only heard Kyra behind me but felt the power coming off her in waves.

The leech dropped to his knees with his eyes wide with fear.


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