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My Surprise Mate (Book 1+ 2) novel Chapter 8

I wasn’t sure how long we sat in silence with Dane holding me tight against him.I just couldn’t get over how right this felt.I wasn’t used to someone caring for me like this, someone taking care of me and expecting nothing in return.I had only ever had myself to depend on and the thought of what this could be scared the s**t out of me.

"I would like to give us a chance."

I stayed cuddled up against him, not ready to lose the warmth and safety he was providing me.

His hand gently rubbed my arm, "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that."

I started to doze off in his arms before the loud ringing of my phone interrupted our quiet time.I groaned as I stood and retrieved it from the bedroom.

Kain Shelton.

I stood frozen in place as I watched the name flash across the screen of my phone.

Why is he still calling me? What the hell could he possibly want from me anymore? My phone lit up notifying me I had a new voicemail.

I hadn’t even realized Dane had walked up behind me until I felt his arms wrapping around me, startling me out of my thoughts.

"Who was it?" he asked deeply.

"Kain," the name slipped out before I could stop it.

“ What did he want?"

The million-dollar question.

I shrugged as anxiety started to build deep in my gut.I put it on the speakerphone as I listened to the voicemail.

Holly, it’s me, where the f**k are you?! No one has seen you.

Did you get that taken care of? ! don’t know why you are trying so hard to ruin my fuckin’ life, but! do know if you don’t call me back, I promise when I find you, I'll make sure you regret it.

Stop being a f*****g bitch.

Just as Kain was hanging up, you could hear some in the background talking to him, Alpha, I think that w***e skipped town.

I didn’t realize I was shaking, "He won’t do s**t,"

Dane growled out behind me.

He laughed a little, "I didn’t realize you were talking about that Kain."

Dane took my phone and tossed it onto the bed, "I'll handle it, babe, don’t worry about anything.Come on, let’s go for a walk."

He grabbed my hand and led me to the front door, giving me time to slip my shoes on.

It was a beautiful day outside and I finally had a chance to take in my surroundings.

Open space each way you look, except to the north.

I could see a tree line in the distance.I followed Dane as he led me down a path away from the houses toward a huge...barn? There was no stopping my squealed as I reached over the gate to pet one on the nose.

"Really? Have you ever ridden one?" he questioned me.

I shook my head, laughing, "No way.I always wanted to, but it was never in the cards I suppose."

I turned my attention back to the horse.

"You are so beautiful."

I talked to it like it would talk back.

Dane gently tugged my arm, pulling me away from the gate.He led the horse from its stable and began getting him ready to ride.

My eyes widened at the realization of what was about to happen.

"Want to ride him?" Dane asked hesitantly.


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