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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 19

Hailey's POV

School was weird today. I mean it started off okay but there was this tension around the school that I couldnt shake off.

Everyone felt it.

I know they feel it because we are all just quietly observing, minding our business. Nobody wants the tension aimed at them, definitely not me.

I am not one for confrontations or fights. I am a proud coward who will bury her head in a book to avoid whatever violence that wants a piece of this.

"Hailey?" Wendy calls out to me. I look up at her, waiting to hear what she has to say.

"Thomas is outside and he's asking to see you." She says to me and I don't even pack my bags, I just run out of the cafeteria, to see my friend.

I run through the corridors at a speed I never knew I had and I was not even out of breath. Must be too excited to see Thomas that my body has me thinking I'm fit and fast.

There he was.

Sitting on one of the benches outside. He was slouching, his hands covering his head and  the closer I got, I could hear low sobs.

"Thomas?" I say and he looks up immediately.

Thomas jumps up and pulls me in for a hug. I oblige, jumping right in as well. His scent throws me off, making me pull away from him to search for any injuries and right on his face was a busted lip and a black eye.

I could smell blood.

How I know that this was blood is something I will deal with later, but now this, his bruised face, was saddening and I have to make sure that my friend is okay first before anything else

"What happened to you?" I ask, my eyes all bulged out, scanning his body for more injuries.

Thomas just shrugs.

I hear footsteps approaching, Thomas quickly steps away from me and I look behind me to see Jaxon and his crew walking towards us.

"Heal yet weakling?" Brett asks looking at Thomas. I could feel the fear radiating off of him, his erratic heartbeat was thumping so loud that even my ears could hear it. I throw Brett a glare but it seems to amuse him even more.

They stop right next to me, their eyes though, only focused on Thomas.

"Clearly that beating wasn't enough. Here you are, back at school." Brett says to Thomas.

I look between Thomas and Brett. Trying to find a link to them but nothing.

"I thought I told you to stay away from this school." Brett says to Thomas, who stays behind me as Brett tries to get closer to him. I remain rooted in my spot, unmoving.

I won't give Brett another chance to hurt my friend.

"What did he do to you that was so bad that you had to hurt him like this and make him drop out of this school?" I ask Brett, who chuckles as he shares a knowing look with Jaxon.

Thomas takes this chance to run, making me turn quickly as I hear his feet hitting the ground. Brett runs after him, which has everyone else follow after him but Jaxon stays behind.

I look at him, shocked that his bully behavior has resorted to violence. Even if he was not the one to hurt Thomas, but standing here makes him just as bad.


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