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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 20

Hailey's POV

Having to calmly walk back to the dorms and change in to more comfortable clothing, like I do every day and then calmly walking back to the school grounds, books in hand was the act of the day.

Today was not an ordinary day.

Today was the day I find out a few things but one of them, the most important of all was to find out if Thomas was okay.

The day was especially draining.

The teachers didn't even give us much work to do, most just had us read for learning. The bad feeling and heavy tension was weighing everyone down. Clearly the teachers too.

To be honest, my intuition was screaming at me to take cover. Protect myself by staying in my room and waiting for whatever this feeling is to go away but Thomas. I am worried about him and after he risked getting beat up by Jaxon's friends, I owed him plenty.

Walking in to Mrs Gellars office, I find it empty. The entire school was actually empty, which was terrifying and definitely unusual. Mrs Gellar was always in her office and students would be running around acting like fools.

Today, not even school security was present.

If a pin dropped, I'd hear it. That's how quiet it was, in a school filled with children. Was there a meeting I did not know about? But Thomas's bloody stench was still in this office.

Definitely stronger but it ended here. I could not smell him anywhere.

"Also, how am I smelling him right now?" I ask myself. Chuckling to shake off the weird feeling in my gut.

I hear distant sounds, choosing to follow them quietly and I see Jaxon. He was talking to Azuri, holding hands as they stare in to each other's eyes. I felt a pang in my heart, followed by a stab and then the entire thing falling to pieces as they hug each other.

My insides wanted to lash out at them but the coward in me stayed rooted in place. What would I say?

What if he denies me in front of Azuri? I'd die of embarrassment. He denied her before, why wouldn't he do it to me?

Oh damnit!

Why am I even dating this asshole?

I hear another growl, which gains the two lovebirds attention and they pull apart minutes later to chase the sound. I wait for them to get out of sight before I follow them. If anything, following them will lead me to the animals and hopefully Thomas.

I was not following them out of curiosity and jealousy. No, this was all for my friend.

Thomas was more important than finding out if my own boyfriend is cheating on me, right? He's hurt. I can deal with Jaxon later or right now, everything could reveal itself to me.

The growls got louder and louder, as glasses broke. My feet moving faster to really find out what was going on, until the growls stopped. Seconds later, I hear them on the other side again, confusion clouding my brain as I try to grasp how the animals could move from one side to the other in less than a minute.

I turn around and start running to the new location, feeling like a clueless agent that has not had any field training or combat training. If I actually find the wild animal growling, what would I do? Why did I even think this was a good idea?

"I smell her! She's here. Someone find her right now!" I hear a voice say.

Something inside me tells me they are talking about me and I run back, looking for a place to hide. That form of fitness and stamina, long gone as I start to breath heavy and the fear growing, soon it would cripple me.

I find a door and I open it, shutting it before checking what kind of room I'm in. Upon inspection, I realise I'm in a broom closet and there's no way out.


Like I said, an agent with zero training and even if I had a lock pick, there was no lock to pick. The thought of being stuck in here had me breathing heavy, my heart beating faster and faster as fear begins to have me seeing black spots. The growling sounds get louder, my brain immediately thinking the animals are coming for me and I think I black out for a minute before coming back.

"You listen here. Thomas is in more danger than you. Find a way out of here or you won't be able to find your friend." I pep talk myself.

Didn't work as my heart continued to beat erratically. Although, I was breathing fine so I looked around for any signs of getting out.


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