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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 23

Hailey's POV

My eyes, still golden through the mirror, I close them and open them again and they were still golden.

I step away from the mirror, hoping the distance will fix things but nothing.

I feel a stabbing pain on my chest, making me fall to the ground, scratching at my chest. Nothing helps so I crawl to my bed and climb on it, throwing myself on it and laying on my back wishing the pain away but it only grew from my chest to my limbs. It was as if someone was stretching my bones and pulling away, then starting again. I couldn't find my voice to scream, my mouth wide open and dry but nothing coming out as I lay on my bed in pain.

'Just relax. I know it hurts but allow your body to go through this.' The voice in my head says to me and I start to panic.

I forget how to breath, having to forcibly breath through my mouth as I talk to myself, saying breath in my head over and over again.

Just as I start to breath normally, my leg twists itself before being stretched again. Trying to scream again but nothing comes out of my dry parched mouth. Every second, a bone breaks only to repair itself and to break again. The feeling of wanting to die now began to grow, trying to forget how to breath but my body fighting against me.. how can I go on? Breaking bones one after the other, I want this to stop and if I die then so be it because this is beyond excruciating. My jaw begins to ache and I feel like my teeth are about to fall out.

I don't even know what's going on with my body, there is no scientific explanation to make sense of all of this and how am I still alive with all this pain?

A white noise plays around my room and then it stops.

Everything stops. The pain disappears and I feel my heart beat a little slower as I catch my breath.

I run my tongue over my teeth to make sure everything was still intact and it was. I quickly stand up to look in the mirror, only to look back at my normal self.

I shake my head in disbelief, grabbing my phone to call my new dad only to realize it was almost 4 in the morning.

This would mean, I've been in pain for hours and hours, unable to scream for help as the rest of the students sleep peacefully unaware of what was going on in my room, with me.

I dial his number nonetheless, hoping to get him to take me to a doctor. I must have every bone and muscle checked out. A dentist too.

"Hello?" He answers groggily.

"Theo. I don't know what happened but a minute ago, my bones were breaking and my jaw felt like it was about to break. I have never felt that kind of pain before and it lasted for hours." I ramble on. Theo silent on the other end.

"I'm on my way." Is all he says to me before hanging up.

I decide to change out of my sweaty damp clothes and in to a fresh pair of leggings, a sports bra and my oversized cardigan. My body felt fine, no after pain or muscle pain. It was as if nothing happened and I imagined it all.

Did I? Did I fall asleep and have a nightmare so believable that I actually think is true? No. This happened and I I awake through it all. The pain was too real I convince myself as I button up my cardigan and grab my phone.

I walk out of my dorm room to try meet Theo outside the building and as soon as I walk out the door, his car pulls up. Running to it, I open the door and jump right in.

"A doctor has to make sense of all of this. The one minute my eyes took a golden color and the next my bones were breaking. Please don't say I'm crazy, I'm not. I swear this happened and I need a doctor to explain what is happening because I can't make sense of it, I can't make sense of anything right now." I say, tears streaming down my face.

A sense of relief flooded my body when I got in to Theo's car. Maybe just being around a parent, stranger or not brought some sort of comfort to me. Some normalcy.

"It's okay. We will get to the bottom of this." Theo says to me before driving away. I look up at the building as we drive away and a pair of ice blue eyes looking back at me through a window. I immediately look away, having seen enough.

I watch the car pull away from the school, the clean school grounds so inviting as the grass glistens in the night, the statue of an ancient Mr Gellar shining through as one of the street lights hang over him.

I think of Jaxon and what transpired before the crazy. I broke up with him because he hugged Azuri. What did he do to me that made me trust him less? It can't be that because he's a bully he's a cheat. No.

Maybe it's because he wanted us to be secret that put us here but I agreed to it in fear of Azuri's actions. I look at Theo, seeing him focus on his driving as we drive through the fog. He was a man of few words so making up conversation was pointless as it would die down as quickly as it started.

So, we drive in silence, through the misty darkness that was this weird town. Theo looked to be so deep in thought now, even though he was focused on the road..

Ha! Probably asking himself how he got himself in to this mess. A crazy daughter who said she had broken bones and a broken jaw but seeming just fine.


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