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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 22

Jaxon's POV

Walking away from her door proved to be difficult. I wanted to stay and make things right, make sure that she is okay. After today, I don't blame her but why follow me? The answers are right in her face but the fact that she believes she's human prevents her from seeing them.

I wish she would shift. The idea of running in the forest with her, without anyone knowing would be great. My wolf is excited to meet hers and even though there's a high chance she won't shift, I can still be optimistic. I can't have her already so while I still do,  I want all of her. I want to see just how beautiful and majestic her wolf will be.

My wolf wants to meet her. Mark her and mate with her. He wants to love her the way only he can, in his own way and that can only happen if she shifts and when she does, her wolf will try to find us. I know she will sniff me out and find me because she knows who I am to her.

What will I say if she does shift and comes to find me? Will I go blank like I do everytime I try to tell Hailey how I feel?

When I'm with her, I can't even find the words. I can definitely make conversation but putting my feelings on the table is a different matter.

I want to tell her that I love her but I can't. I've never been in love before and I've never had to utter those words to any girl. Being a player has made me such a loser to the point where I'm such a wuss to the only girl for me.

My coward ass couldn't say those words to her and now I've lost her. I lost the one girl that belongs to me and if she finds out about Thomas then she won't want anything to do with me ever again.

But I'm an alpha and no wolf makes a pass at my mate! I warned him the first time but he didn't get it, he had to come back to the school to see her again, talking about her wolf called out to him.

Her wolf should call out to ME!!!

Punching the wall on my way out.

"What's with you?" Azuri asks me. It takes me a second to answer her because firstly, my mind wondered why she was here on the school grounds when I told everyone to go home.

"Just a fucked up day. Did you follow me?" I ask her, getting a little annoyed with her undying love.

"Yeah. I wanted to see where you disappear to and now I see you go to the dorms. Anyone there I should know about?" Azuri asks me.

I chuckle for a bit and then my face turns serious before I answer her.

"Is it any of your business?" I ask her and she shakes her head no before looking down.

"Look, it's going to take me a long time to get used to your idea of us just being friends. I'm not used to that anymore so be nice." She tells me and I groan out loud.

"Are you even trying?" I ask her.

"Probably not. I know I could be better but why bother? I know what we could be, you just don't and since you still don't have a mate, I don't see why I shouldn't try my luck." She tells me.


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