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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 31

Hailey's POV

The crowd went silent upon our arrival. Their alpha, Mr Gellar not needing to raise his hand in order to silence them, his presence alone was enough.

They all looked on, curiously. Eyes scanning all us, avoiding my father and Mr. Gellar's eyes for obvious reasons but they looked on. This was a very big pack but I did not know any others to compare it to, so even in their hundreds or thousands, I could not say it'sthe biggest I've ever seen but if this is the norm then what a world!!

I don't even know how many people are in my father's pack...

Something I need to learn if I should one day decide to take over, if I wake up and feel worthy of that title but today, I do think there is someone better than me. Someone my dad can trust to make sure his pack does not go to shit... I'm not even a little bit sure it won't crumble a day in to my ruling.

So, maybe Jaxon can unite the packs or someone from my father's pack can take over..

There has to be someone better.

"We have very important guests today. Guests that will change our lives today." Mr Gellar says to the crowd, building enough suspense..

He looks on, as the crowds whisper among themselves. Many were pointing at Miriam, probably thinking what Azuri already assumed and I could feel the poor girl shift around uncomfortably.

Cayden grabs her hand to comfort her and it seems to help with the crowd as well.

Now, I was confused. If I reeked of alpha blood then why were they solely focused on Miriam? Did she hide her scent from them so they think she is human?

I'm obviously a wolf right now.

"My son has found his mate." Mr Gellar announces, the crowd erupting in cheers and clapping of hands for their future ruler.

"That's right! My son, your future alpha has found his mate and today we introduce her to you." He says, the crowd getting excited but I catch Azuri, looking down as everyone watches on.

"Now, this girl is like no other, the first of many to come. I will call on my son to do the introductions, as this is his moment after all." Mr Gellar tells the crowd and they cheer on for Jaxon.

Jaxon steps up, giving me a quick look before facing the crowd. He felt different, looked different and not to me but by just standing there. His posture and demeanor was different, in likeness to Theo. He commanded the crowd, with just his body language, he commanded respect.

This was not the Jaxon from school. No, he was the alpha Jaxon. I could feel his power radiating off of him, coming off in waves and making everyone feel not too small but not big enough to dare challenge him.

This whole power play was captivating. It made me curios and the desire to be able to do the same, walk up to people and have them immediately respect me. I am alpha born, it shouldn't be hard....right?

"I have been lucky, like my fellow brothers in finding my mate. We all look forward to such a day but nothing in this world or the next could prepare me for that one morning when I bumped in to her. It has not been easy and I'm not gonna lie to you and say white picket fences.... because at first, she had no idea who I was or of my world. A problem very common to every male in this pack... for me though, it was different. She is different." Jaxon says, his voice sound and clear.

You could not misinterpret his words. He spoke so eloquently, every word rang through as the crowd listened to their future leader.

"Before I explain to you how different she is, I need to first introduce her. I also need you all to remember who she is fated to, to me and to remember to give her the same respect as you give me." Jaxon goes on. His words more of a threat than anything else, there was no way he meant anything other than 'I'll harm anyone that dares to disrespect my beloved.'


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