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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 32

Hailey's POV

Jaxon's mother had put together a celebration of some sort, to celebrate her son finding a mate and the pack kind of accepting me.

"You will sit with Jaxon and his family to show unity." My father tells me but I ignore him and walk over to where Cayden was seated with the rest of our pack.

I sit next to him and my father follows, eyeing me curiously before taking a seat.

"He has not claimed me yet so I don't see why I should leave my pack to sit with his and besides, I have not decided if I'll be leaving this pack to join his. I am your only child, which means I am your only heir. If they expect me to drop everything to join them, well then.. they are in for a surprise." I say.

My father smiles warmly and it takes me back to my old father... the one that hated me.

When he smiled, all of our problems faded away and it made me the happiest girl. Maybe because he rarely smiled at me or anyone really...

"You did the right thing." Cayden says to me, nodding his head in approval.

The festivities began.

There was dancing and a little play fighting here and there. Jaxon kept stealing looks my way but I ignored him. Although I could not ignore the little flutters my heart would make every time our eyes connected.

I can't seem to get over the jealousy of seeing him with Azuri and I keep wondering what they get up to when I'm back at home and they are left here, their home by themselves.

Just looking at him brings upon all sorts of insecurities.

"Who is that girl?" Cayden asks me, pointing at Azuri, who was seated next to Jaxon.

Not surprising...

They seemed to be laughing about something, as Jaxon was lost in laughter and this time, not even looking my way.

"That's Azuri. Jaxon's ex girlfriend." I say right before I let out a sigh in defeat. Once again, Azuri was with my man.

"Ex? Girl, are you sure?" Miriam asks me and we both look at them.

Azuri's was laughing, her fingers holding on to Jaxon's arm for what seems to be support so she doesn't fall off her chair.

"I can tell you one thing.. girl is not shameful." Miriam says and I chuckle as I remember what I've been through with that girl.

Minutes pass by and Jaxon still doesn't look my way. His entire attention shifted to Azuri and friends... it has me feeling a little bit small. Like an intruder and finding somewhat of a comfort that I chose to sit with my family as I could not know how I would be treated, had I sat next to Jaxon.

I didn't miss when they locked eyes before bursting in to laughter without saying anything, I also didn't miss the fact that Azuri's hand stayed firmly in place, holding on to Jaxon's arm.

"I seem to have lost my appetite." I say, pushing my food away.

My father, who was talking to the older pack members looks at me and then at the table in front of us, then back at me.

"It is unlawful for a shera to fall in love with a mera. Whatever you do with this information, I will stand by you." Cayden says to me.

Miriam smiles warmly at me, sitting across the table, she takes my hand and squeezes it.

"Is it unlawful for me to dance with a mera from my pack?" I ask the table and they all say no.

So I turn to look at Cayden, who rolls his eyes but gets the message loud and clear before standing on his feet and holding out his arm for me to take.

I stand up and we make our way to the dance floor. Our other pack members join us, all coupled up. Cayden takes the lead as the band begin to play a song.

The song takes me back to the time my dance teacher hosted a father and daughter dance. The one time my dad showed up and showed off.

Cayden was just as good, holding me like the delicate flower I was years back. He moved fluidly with each step and was dominant enough to lead.

"You're really good." I whisper in his ear.

"Does that surprise you?" He asks, I could somehow feel him smiling and that brought a smile to my face.

"Yes. Yes it does but I'm not complaining. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you." I say and we dance on quietly.

Not noticing the fact that the crowd had dispersed to watch us dance. Everyone enjoying our little show as we move to the music unaware.

Maybe Cayden was aware, he was just being the dutiful beta I'm sure. Although right now, I felt a friendship growing.

The song ends and we pull apart as the crowd erupts, bringing me back to reality. We turn to face the crowd, Mrs Gellar running towards me and pulling me in for a hug.

"That was exceptional! I could ask you both to go on again but I feel my son is about to have a heart attack trying to keep it together." Mrs Gellar says, laughing right at the end.

Cayden excuses himself and heads back to the table as I turn to face Jaxon. My eyes found his looking right at me, all the laughter had died down and I had finally caught his attention. Azuri, still next to him, huffing and puffing in anger.

"Excuse me ma'am, but I need a glass of water after this." I say, walking back to my table. Actually running away from Jaxon's burning gaze.

My dad stands up to hug me before we both sit down.

"Did you guys enjoy the show?" I ask.

"Oh we did. The way you both moved, it's like you guys have been practicing together for years and brother! I see mom's dance classes paid off." Miriam says, we all look to Cayden for a reaction.

"To truly become a good fighter, one must learn to move." Was all he said. The ever mysterious...

"I'll also tell you that the jokes died down the minute you two started dancing. So well done!" Miriam tells me before stealing my plate. I allow it since I told everyone I had lost my appetite.

My eyes find Jaxon's again and this time I don't look away. We stare at each other for what feels like minutes, still feeling so jealous and angered by the two lovebirds sitting next to each other that I could not return his smile. He looked at me, alarmed and worried probably because I was not as warm as he was being.

"Excuse me. I need some air." I say, standing up and running out of the room.

The fresh air hits my face and it calms me. The amount of anger I was feeling was starting to scare me and I needed to get away.

"We meet again." I hear Azuri say. I don't even turn to face her, I won't give her any reaction. I was outside to escape her displays but she followed me out.

"Oh come on, you're not happy to see me little new wolf?" She taunts and I still remain quiet.

Azuri walks around me and we face each other. For the first time, I looked her dead in the eyes, feeling no need to cower away.

"You dishonor me." I say, catching her by surprise and myself, as we stare at each other.

"What do you mean little wolf?" She asks me.


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