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One Day, I Woke Up A Werewolf novel Chapter 33

Hailey's POV

"So how did you do it?" Azuri asks me. Startling me in the guest room the luna told me to sleep in.

"I thought I was alone." I say in annoyance.

"Tell me. How did you do it?" She says, standing right in front of me this time.

"Do what?" I ask her.

"Fool everyone, fool Jaxon in to thinking that you're his mate? How did you have everyone think you were human?" She asks.

"I did not fool anyone. If anything, I'm the fool for thinking that being Jaxon's mate, that being his alone will keep you away from him but that's not the case." I say and Azuri smiles.

"We have a connection, him and I. We also have a history, as friends first so he will always care about me. To keep us away, you'd have to kill me." Azuri tells me.

"Trust me, I've thought about it but I'd rather have you annoy me in real life than haunt me." I say, turning around and getting in to bed.

"Well? Are you going to leave?" I ask her.

"Sleep with one eye open." She says and jumps out the window, just before Jaxon walks in.

He looks out the window and frowns before looking at me.

"What did she want?" He asks me.

"She thinks I have you all fooled. That I've known all along that I'm a wolf and now I've used some kind of power to woo you in to thinking we are mates." I say and he let's out a sigh.

Xander joins me on the bed, making sure to stay on top of the covers.

"Well then, I'm a happy fool." He says trying to make me smile but I don't.

"Jaxon, this isn't funny." I say.

"No, it's not. She's insulting me too here if you didn't know. Thinking I'm incapable of knowing whether you're mine or not." He says to me with a smile.

"Hailey, I'm with you right now and I just want to be happy around you. I can deal with Zuri tomorrow. I want our time to be ours, not spent worrying about others unless we absolutely have to." Jaxon says to me.

"Deal with Zuri?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"That's all you heard?" Jaxon asks me, his mother opening the door to call him out.

"Let the poor girl sleep. Her beta says he has people outside her window to protect her now so she'll be fine all night. Besides, nobody would want to deal with her father if anything happens to her, not even your father." Mrs Gellar tells her son.

Jaxon kisses my forehead before he reluctantly gets off the bed and walks out with his mother. Mrs. Gellar winks at me before closing the door and I lie down, with Jaxon's scent now on the sheets, sleep finds me and I close both my eyes...


I wake up just as the sun rises, with a little bit of light in the room, I see a red rose on the bed and a note tied to the stem.

'I think it's only right I tell you that I love watching you sleep. I have been doing it from the day I met you and I'll do it all the days of my life, even when we get to share a bed together. Even after an argument and for some reason, I find myself angry with my love, I will still watch you sleep. You seem to find peace in your sleep and one day, I will give you that peace ..in this world and the next.- Jax'

The note read.

I read it over and over again, my smile growing bigger and bigger everytime I read through it.

I hear a knock before Miriam walks in holding a dress.

"I was told to give you this in the morning and to meet a certain gentleman outside in 10." She says and I jump out of bed to snatch the dress out of her hands.

Miriam giggles before jumping on my bed and smelling the rose.

"Lucky girl!" She says and I smile my way to the bathroom to wash up.

The dress was cute.

White in color and just a little above my knee. An off the shoulder type with a little lace detail that came with a white crystal beaded headband.

I put all of it on to show my only female friend right now and she approves. Miriam chases me out of my room, rambling something about time running out. As soon as I walk out my door, red roses were carefully laid on the floor, leading me out of the house, where a very handsome mera stood waiting for me in his white buttoned shirt and khaki chino pants.


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