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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 106

Chapter 106

Catelyn did not expect Maia to be doused with that cup of hot water.

Nonetheless, amid the bodyguards panicking at the shift of events, Catelyn swiftly stepped at the feet of one of the bodyguards. As he yelped in pain, she quickly went toward the door and fled.

However, the floor was unbelievably slippery. Catelyn slipped and knocked her head on the coffee table, instantly opening up a tear on her head. “Get her!” Maia pointed at Catelyn angrily. Never before had she wanted to hurt Catelyn so bad.

Catelyn ignored the bleeding wound on her head and made a run for it, all while blood trickled down her forehead, blurring her vision a little.

She did not stop running.

As far as Maia was concerned, Catelyn was just a woman in bankruptcy, and she could do whatever she wanted with her. Catelyn started picking up the pace when a bodyguard shouted, “Stop!” Why would she?

Catelyn ran out of the large carved iron gate of the Mason Estate. Due to the loss of blood, she was not aware of her surroundings, not knowing that Cedrick and Miles had just returned from their jog

Miles was out of breath as he ran, and Cedrick praised him for the exercise. In reality, however, it was punishment for deceiving him.

Cedrick was taken aback the moment he saw Catelyn covering her forehead with one hand, with traces of blood wetting her fingers.


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