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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109 Maia swiftly landed a backhand slap on the driver’s face. She slightly bent her fingers while doing so, and her nails drew a long bloodstain on the driver’s face.

That was not enough.

“You’re fired! I’ll have the butler prepare your salary when you’re back later!” exclaimed Maia. The driver brought a hand gently against his bleeding cheek as he began to panic at Maia’s words. “Miss Clark, please forgive me! I have a family to take care of! I can’t go on without a job…”

“Drive,” ordered Maia coldly. “Miss Clark, …” “If you don’t start driving, your salary for the month will be forfeited!” Maia glared at the driver fiercely. She usually pretended to be nice toward the servants, but she was enraged today. Maia was so angry that the veins on her temper even bulged. She had been sending people to keep an eye on Cedrick, but she did not expect Catelyn to be one step ahead of her. Moreover, she had completely messed up her outfit and makeup! “The audacity! So what if you have a family to take care of? Can’t you see that I’m in a bad mood? You deserved all of that!” snarled Maia.

The driver gripped the steering wheel tightly. He gritted his teeth as his hands clenched tightly.

“I knew I should have fired you four years ago! Let’s see if Ceddy would even give you a second chance!” continued Maia. “Miss Clark!” The driver suddenly gave Maia a hard look. “Are you sure you want to fire me?” “Are you blind and deaf?” replied Maia coldly.

“Alright then, I quit. Drive this darn car back on your own!” snapped the driver. He took off his working uniform, tossed it to the driver’s seat, and got out of the car. Maia was stunned for a moment before shouting at the driver, “Come back! Don’t you want this month’s salary?”

“I don’t need it anymore! Keep it and buy a golden coffin for yourself!” yelled the driver at Maia. He left without looking back, preferring to walk rather than stay with her.

Maia sat alone in the car, rendered speechless.

As Maia left the scene, Cedrick raised his eyebrows, glancing at Miles and then at Albert. “Send the surveillance footage of the hall to my study,” said Cedrick.

“Right away,” Albert responded quickly.

There were many cameras installed around the Mason Estate. Naturally, there were also many of them surveilling the hall.

The moment Cedrick stepped out of the shower, there was already a USB flash drive on the desk in the study. He connected the drive to the computer, and a video popped up on the screen.

What was shown next was the footage of the incident earlier between Catelyn and Maia.

The more Cedrick watched the video, the more displeased he became.


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