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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114 Ever since that day, no one was bold enough to mention the woman before Cedrick

However, Miles was shouting it out loud for everyone to hear.

“You guys are Big Demon’s evil servants! All you know is to bully me, detain me, snap at me, and get me grounded. Well, I want to leave this place and never come back again!”

His bushy brows crumpled together, and while everyone was distracted by what he just shouted, he sprinted toward the door again, except this time only to crash straight into a soft embrace.


Albert hoisted him. “Master Cedrick, he’s still a child. It’s normal for kids to be a little naughty. Don’t be mad at him anymore, so as not to impair your father-and-son relationship.” Cedrick said coldly, “Move along.” “Young Master Ollie, apologize to your father, quickly.” “I don’t want to!” Miles mustered all his strength, trying to get himself out of Albert’s arms. Albert was scared to hurt him and subconsciously loosened his hold on him a little.

However, Miles unexpectedly lost his balance and fell, hitting his head against the floor in the process.

His face fell immediately.

Everything was hurting… The world seemed to spin, too.

“I’m not wrong, and I’m…not apologizing! I wanna go to Mommy, Big Demon. No wonder your son doesn’t want you…!” He was on all fours while he muttered to himself, his voice slowly faltering. Cedrick’s expression darkened even more as he strode forward in his shiny leather shoes. He wanted to catch Miles with his bare hands.

The ‘discipline cane’ was here, too. It was a baton as thick as an adult’s wrist, which was painful to be beaten with. Even though Cedrick always said he wanted to discipline Ollie, he had never used the discipline cane before. It was mostly only grounding him, making him reflect upon his mistakes. Albert was appalled at the sight. He quickly crouched to protect Miles in his arms, all while he pleaded with Cedrick to spare Miles.


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