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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 120

Chapter 120

Queenie only managed to record once around the master room. She turned to look at Catelyn, her eyes burning with hostility. “Where did you hide your little boyfriend?”

“I don’t understand who you mean by that, but I don’t have any more patience for you.”

Queenie did not buy this. “If you don’t have a secret lover, then who finished the two plates of sandwiches on the table? Why were you so nervous when I came to your room?”

“Hello. Is this the police? I’m a tenant at Ocean Path Residence, and someone had broken into my place.

“Yes, please send someone over immediately,” Catelyn no longer hesitated as she immediately called the cops, her gaze unwavering with ferocity. Queenie gritted her teeth and cursed under her breath before leaving, her jaws clenched tightly. Catelyn quickly locked her door and returned to the master room. “Cedrick?” Catelyn snuck her head out of her window to check This was the fifth floor! However, after carefully looking around, including the walls and around the air conditioner compressors, there was no man to be found.

Catelyn felt worry bubbling at the pit of her stomach. Where was Cedrick? Her room was only this big. Where could he be hiding? Could he have fallen when he was trying to hide from Queenie?

Still, she did not hear anything that could have indicated that he fell. Catelyn had searched everywhere that she could and was starting to get anxious. She then took out her phone, wanting to give Cedrick a call, but as soon as she unlocked her phone, a message appeared.

[You owe me one meal. I won’t eat processed food next time.) Catelyn looked at the message, stunned. ‘It must have been hard for him,’ she thought sarcastically. How did he leave? Could he truly have climbed his way down the pipes? Catelyn burst into laughter as she imagined Cedrick’s large form moving down the pipes.


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