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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 146

Chapter 146 Catelyn’s bottom line was her family. No matter what others have said about her father, Ezekiel would always be the gentle, loving father who gave her the world. “Pah!” Lori spat viciously. Not a moment later, Catelyn grabbed one of the wine glasses from the tray next to her and tipped it downward, pouring all the wine onto Lori’s heels. Splash! “Gah!” Lori shrieked and jumped backward hysterically. “My heels! Catelyn Clark, you—! “These heels are designed by the most famous designer in Paries, LR, and they’d only produce nine hundred ninety-nine pairs of these! My future daughter-in-law gave this to me as a gift, and it’s worth over a million!” Lori’s shrieks grabbed the attendees’ attention, and they stared at her heels.

The high-heeled shoes seemed to be coated in gold, and the heels, in particular, were about 11 centimeters in length. Gold leaves and diamonds decorated the front and back of the laces, and the ‘L’ logo on the sides of both heels was impressively striking. The beauty, however, was ruined with wine drenching the heels. Even Queenie began to panic. “Catelyn… You can’t buy these even if you have the money to, yet you ruined them! How could you?”

The guests instantly erupted in a heated discussion. “Catelyn Clark is a beautiful woman, but who knew she’d be so vicious?” “Missus Mason might have been a bit rude there, but I don’t think her heels worth a million deserves to be defaced like that.”

“These kinds of shoes are usually for collection’s purpose only and aren’t meant to be worn. To think that they ended up like this… Designers usually advise against coming in contact with water.”

“What’s going on?” At this moment, the event organizer, Jones, walked toward them.

When he saw the utter chaos in the crowd, he asked about what happened before looking at Catelyn. He was at a crossroad, seeing as Catelyn came as Edwin’s date. “Miss Clark, I…”

“Don’t worry, Mister Jones, I won’t trouble you.” Catelyn smiled elegantly and turned to Lori. “It’s just a pair of shoes. I can compensate Missus Mason, so long as she apologizes to my father.”


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