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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150 Catelyn truly felt like she had been jinxed on this day. She stared at the stain on the fabric on her chest and scowled. Everything just seemed to go wrong altogether!

She was about to leave the ball as she had fulfilled what she came to do, only to bump into one of the waitresses, which caused the wine on the waitress’ tray to spill and stain her dress.

This dress was not even bought with her money; it was Edwin’s! It was embarrassing to let the dress end up in such a state.

Under the guidance of the waitress, she went to the rest room on the second floor to clean up.

‘I’m out of luck,’ she grumbled internally. As soon as she entered the restroom, she was instantly overwhelmed by a powerful, irritating smell.

It was not long, however, when she felt all her strength sapped away from her, and she slowly slid to the ground with her hand still grabbing on the door handle.

‘Someone set me up!’ This was her only thought as she desperately tried to get up. Suddenly, a familiar female figure appeared before her.

It was Queenie, with a vicious expression and a syringe at hand that was filled with a mysterious blue liquid.

The waitress held Catelyn down and Queenie instantly jabbed the needle into Catelyn’s neck, injecting the liquid into Catelyn’s body. The substance rushed through her veins, which induced a cooling sensation. “Aren’t you all smug just now, Catelyn? You won it all and even locked my mother in the bathroom! I’m helping you get what you want and turning you into a complete plaything. Haha! The idea alone is most entertaining!” Queenie injected everything into Catelyn, and a few moments later, Catelyn found herself struggling to regain her strength and felt completely paralyzed.


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