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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 “L-Let me explain, Louella.” Jamie mustered an innocent expression. “It was Catelyn who dragged me here, and I didn’t want to. She said she was feverish, and you can tell it too, can’t you? I swear, Louella, please believe me. If I ever lie to you, I deserve to be struck by thunder.” Tears streamed down Louella’s cheeks. Even though she wanted to believe Jamie, the truth made it hard for her to do so.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with bitterness and sorrow. “You were the one who claimed that you had never loved Catelyn. You said it was always Catelyn that was pestering you, that she gave birth to that child to blackmail you. If that’s the case, why didn’t you just leave her to be taken care of by the staff when she is feverish? Why did you get a room with her?”

Louella could not continue as sobs of sorrow overtook her. “If you’re still in love with her, don’t ever show yourself to me again!”

“I swear, I don’t like her…” Jamie did not have the heart to break things off with Louella completely, seeing how depressed she was.

He quickly came forward and hugged her tightly in his arms, trying to console her as he spoke, “I promise I’ll get the room attendant to send her to the hospital now, alright?” At this moment, Louella caught a whiff of Catelyn’s perfume on Jamie, and Louella immediately pushed him away. “Don’t you dare touch me!” Louelle’s shove caught Jamie off-guard. He was about to say something to make amends, but he then saw Louella hugging her belly, and she looked agonized. “M-My abdomen… It hurts! Help…our baby!” Louella reached her hand out with great difficulty, and she could not even finish her sentence.

Jamie was in complete shock at the sight. He took a look at Catelyn on the bed, and then turned away to check on Louella. “Why is it hurting suddenly?” “Send me to the hospital…”

Louella grabbed Jamie’s hand so harshly that her nails dug into his skin. Sweat ran down her forehead and back, and in mere seconds, she looked drenched.

Panicking and not daring to delay, Jamie quickly carried Louella and dashed to the underground parking lot.

After the two left, a figure stepped out of the shadows.


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