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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 162

Chapter 162 “Was it Cedrick? You’re such a sl*t, Catelyn. How dare you rob Maia’s fiance from her? What do you think will happen to you if she hears about this?” “You could say whatever you like, but can you move along now?” Catelyn was far too exhausted; she did not want to argue with Jamie anymore. However, her unbothered attitude served to only provoke Jamie. With bloodshot eyes and a mind too deep in chaos like a beast on the loose, he grabbed Catelyn by her throat.

“What about Queenie? She’s only twenty! Even if she did something wrong, she’s still my baby sister. How could you be so cruel to her and hired those men to sully her? I even have to take the blame from everyone now! You alone ruined our whole family’s reputation, so you better give me an explanation, Catelyn!”

Catelyn, amid her struggle of being choked, took two steps back but was pushed against the wall. She had nowhere else to run.

Her small-sized face grew scarlet as her blood circulation was obstructed, but her expression was willful.

If she remembered correctly, those men were to assault her!

“She deserved it.”

“You-” Jamie’s murderous intent was triggered, and his five fingers sunk deeper into her skin. “I’m going to kill you, you b*tch!”

Jamie was surprisingly strong. Catelyn tried to push him away, but her efforts were in vain.

She started to see hallucinations, and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Air grew thin in her lungs.


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