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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 172

Chapter 172 Warmth spread throughout Catelyn’s heart when she heard George’s words. “Thank you,” she said, “and don’t worry about it. I’ll go to the construction site later, and I’ll update you about specific issues. Is that alright?”

“Of course, as long as you don’t mind the trouble,” replied George. Their phone call ended soon after, but the moment it did, Catelyn’s mind was clouded with her fight with Jamie.

He and his mother had piled up all the blame for Queenie’s defilement on her. Moreover, they did not really want custody of Miles-they just wanted to make her suffer! Lori had even said that she would torture Miles every day after she got custody of him. She would make him kneel in front of everyone from the Mason family to atone for his sins. Catelyn could not sit still. Miles was her son, her flesh and blood. She would not allow him to be taken away and bullied like this!


Speaking of which, finding a reliable lawyer to fight this lawsuit would be the most important thing to do. With that, Catelyn searched the internet for relevant lawyers. One of the lawyers named Benjamin Anderson got Catelyn’s attention. Apparently, he was a professional at civil litigation. It was also stated that he had won a hundred cases, not losing a single one. His fee, however, was a whopping six-figure amount for hire! Catelyn clenched her fists tightly.

She had never been decisive…but she was determined that no matter what, she had to protect Miles.

However, she was disqualified from the Chandier Jewelry Design Competition. She could have won handsome prize money from it, too. If the situation worsened and Jamie decided to start a lawsuit with Catelyn within these few days, she would need the money urgently. Even if she proved that she did not plagiarize, it would not be enough to save herself.

What could she do?

Could she approach Cedrick for financial aid?


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