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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 19

Tears welled up in Miles’s beautiful, dark eyes. He pursed his lips as despair filled his innocent-looking face.

Had Catelyn truly abandoned him? She even stopped answering the calls…

At that moment, he looked around the house he was in. It was a cage with guards, everything felt cold, and he was suddenly overwhelmed by fear.

He desperately wanted to see Catelyn again and was far from wanting to remain cooped up in his place. He had to get out.

He sniffled and quickly wiped away his tears.

Crying was for the weak, and he had to be strong enough to protect his mother.

Catelyn had prepared breakfast and called Ollie out for the meal.

The boy did so with composure, and no one could tell that he was not Miles at all. Catelyn did not think much of it and simply sent him off to the kindergarten like usual. Before leaving, she even gave him a peck, to which the boy blushed shyly.

The moment she arrived at BrightGene, she could distinctly sense that everyone was staring at her oddly.

“So she’s the daughter of a murderer?”

“We never heard anything about it before, but I guess the Mason family ran some checks on her background for trying to get closer to the young master, and she ended up being put back to her place.”

“Isn’t that right? The Masons are now saying that they don’t want her designing the young master’s birthday mansion…”

“Heh! Don’t run your mouths like that, look at how upset she’s getting.”

People in the office were gossiping, and someone even raised their voice on purpose as though they were afraid that Catelyn might not hear her.

Catelyn finally realized what was happening. She had been removed from the position of head designer, after all, and there had always been other women in the office who were envious of her looks. They had gotten the information that she used to be a lady of the Clark family from certain sources and naturally felt like teasing Catelyn about it now that she had to work for BrightGene.

Catelyn had been quite popular in the office, but where there were people, there would be gossip and conflicts.

She did not bother herself over it and went on with her day, having gotten used to hearing malicious comments since the Clark family declined four years ago. What her colleagues were saying could not even begin to compare with what those loan sharks said to her before. If she could survive that, she could not possibly allow herself to be defeated by this.

Anne came over and knocked on Catelyn’s desk. “Catelyn, Manager Norman is asking for you in his office.”

Catelyn scowled in disgust but collected herself regardless and went to knock on Manager Norman’s door.

“Manager Norman, you need me for something?”

“Close the door, there’s something I need to speak to you about.” Manager Norman was a man in his forties with a beer belly and his hair thinning out at the top. When he looked at Catelyn, his eyes would always shine with lust.

Rumors had it that he was a relative to the Atherton family, and his status in the company was unmoveable.

Catelyn did as she was told and closed the door while Manager Norman shut the curtains, turning the spacious office into a closed quarter with only the two of them in it.

He sat on the couch and pointed at his side. “Come take a seat.”

‘Does he mean I should simply sit there, or that I’d sit and get harassed?’ seethed Catelyn inwardly with chills running down her spine. She stood still and said, “Please say what you need to say, Sir.”

Manager Norman crossed his legs as his gaze wandered from Catelyn’s face to her body. He swallowed heavily and drawled, “Everyone is gossiping about you today in the office. I suppose you’ve heard?”


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