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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 194

Chapter 194 Catelyn knew that Cedrick wanted her to key in the kindergarten’s address. Knowing that refusing would not mean a thing to Cedrick, she swiftly keyed in the words [ Golden Sun Kindergarten) on the screen. Pressing on the (Confirm] button, a green path promptly appeared on the screen.

In the private hospital, the doctor informed the two boys that the results would be released in five days. Miles quickly dragged Ollie out of the hospital and said, “Let’s just wait quietly for the results to come up in the next five days. Once the results are released, we’ll know if we’re truly related.

Miles wore a black mask and his majestic-looking suit made him appear much taller and Ollie was following him, carrying his enormous backpack “Miles? If… I’m just saying this, but if we’re truly twins, will you let Aunt Catelyn be my mom, too? I can let you have my father as well.”

Miles rolled his eyes uncaringly. “My mom and I are fine without Big Demon.” Unwilling to give up, Ollie persisted, “Do you really not want a dad?” Miles crossed his arms before moving one hand to fan his face. “Mom said that my dad is Jamie Mason. If we share the same parents, maybe your dad got you by mistake?” “Impossible!” denied Ollie instantly. “Only children proven to be pure-blooded are permitted to have their names on the family book.”

Miles smiled. “But what if Big Demon saw it wrong?”

Ollie remained silent. He knew that Miles was saying these things on purpose because he did not want to share with him his mother.

They made a promise to exchange clothes in an alley near the hospital and exchanged identities once more.

Ollie grabbed onto the belt of his backpack tightly.


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