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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 202

Chapter 202 Catelyn even went as far as making a table full of dishes for Ollie.

“Of course, but…” Ollie scratched his head and said, “Miles is still in the Mason Estate.”

Catelyn fell into silent contemplation.

Ollie was right; she could not have both of her babies at the same time. One of them had to be in the Mason Estate, or Cedrick would flip the world upside down looking for his child.

“Don’t worry about it. Mommy will think of a way to get Miles out so the three of us can be together,” Catelyn encouraged herself.

Her priority was to find out who the man was from four years ago.

The next day, Catelyn brought Ollie out for shopping. He had been wearing Miles’ clothes, and though they fitted him nicely, he deserved his own clothes. On top of that, both children had different personalities and liked different things.

The pair walked out of the house holding hands and was met with Jamie’s car waiting outside. Jamie came out of his car. He was clearly waiting for the pair.

Catelyn pulled Ollie to her back by instinct.

It did not matter to her whether Jamie was the children’s biological father or not; she would not allow anyone to take them away from her.

“Why? Are you that afraid that I’ll take your child from you?” Jamie walked toward her with an arrogant smirk on his face with a stick of unlit cigarette between his fingers.

Catelyn smiled politely and said, “What brought the great Master Jannie here?”

“I took time off work today to spend time with my son,” said Jamie as he looked at Ollie.


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