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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 214

Chapter 214 Richard had started seeing Maia more often, and even though she enjoyed herself, they had to be secretive about it.

Since Richard was no celebrity, Maia found herself growing bored of him.

That morning, Maia was awoken by the sound of her phone’s text notification. It was another good-morning message sent by Richard. She swiped away the message in frustration and opened her conversation with Cedrick

Their last text was from a long time ago when she had invited him to dinner.

It seemed to her that he was determined to dump her after all.

Maia was in a rotten mood as she lay in bed and scrolled away on her phone when she saw a trend on Twidder.

[Have you ever bought sanitary pads for your girlfriend?]

She clicked on the hashtag and saw the top post, noticing that it was posted by a cashier who worked in a 24-hour convenience store. The cashier posted about seeing a man who went into the store at four in the morning just to buy a whole bag full of sanitary pads.

There was even a photo attached to the viral post.

A handsome man in leisure wear with his hand on the door handle was seen heading out of the store. The photo was taken at an angle that showed the man’s side profile.

Even if it was just a side profile, Maia was able to recognize him right away.

This man was Cedrick!

Cedrick Mason, a proud and successful young man, went out in the middle of the night just to buy sanitary pads for a woman!

He had never even bought a single piece of clothing for her during the four years they were together.

Flames of anger slowly seeped into Maia’s chest.

She was so consumed by anger that she smashed her phone onto the ground with a loud slam. The impact caused the phone’s battery to pop out of the device and clatter on the solid ground, startling her parents who had just walked past her room in the corridor.


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