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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 217

Chapter 217 Benjamin chimed in with a half-smile, “You better start looking. Time is running out.”

How provoking!

Jamie had no evidence in his hand and no lawyers to support him.

“Just you wait, Catelyn! I won’t give up just like that!” he snapped bitterly, so enraged that his face turned red. He kicked a chair on his right and left the room furiously.

Catelyn looked at Jamie darkly as he left the conference room. This was the first time she saw him so shriveled.

Blinking her amber pupils, her long curled eyelashes trembled as she applauded Benjamin.” Mister Anderson, I now understand how formidable you are. Thank you.”

Benjamin just shrugged indifferently. “You don’t need to thank me. I’d be very grateful if your man would stop threatening me with my family’s affairs.” Catelyn’s ears perked up at this. What did he mean, ‘her man? “Jamie and 1…” muttered Catelyn. It seemed their relationship was in a very complicated state. She could not just say that she had nothing to do with him anymore.

Seeing Catelyn in a flustered state, Cedrick walked up to her and squeezed her little hand.” Now that the matter is settled, let’s go have a meal together.”


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