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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 22

Lola’s pupils contracted the moment she saw the handsome profile of Cedrick.

‘Oh, how handsome!’ she fawned internally. He looked somewhat like Jamie, but whatever Jamie lacked, he had. His features were more defined, and his forehead was fuller, which made his eyes stand out even more.

Louella, too, was stunned.

“Miss Clark, what a coincidence.” Lola was the first to snap out of it and spoke with a smile, “About that illegitimate child of yours with my brother-in-law, what do you plan to do?”

“Brother-in-law?” Catelyn looked at the girl dressed in an elegant beige dress standing before her.

“This is my sister, Lola.”

Louella stepped forward and straightened her back subconsciously to maintain an elegant posture, reluctant to lose to Catelyn in any way.

Lola’s gaze traveled back and forth between Catelyn and Cedrick. She lifted an eyebrow and raised her voice, saying, “My sister is pregnant with Jamie’s child now, and the existence of your son will only damage their relationship. Since you’ve already found another man, I’ll give you five million to take that kid and leave Sapphire City.”

Catelyn glanced at Cedrick and noticed he was still standing there expressionlessly, as though he had nothing to do with what was happening. She felt relieved, nonetheless; she would hate for this man to be further involved in her life.

“Sapphire City is where I call home, so why should I have to leave just because you say so?”

“Maybe you just don’t think I’m offering enough. Why don’t you name your price?” Lola looked down at Catelyn condescendingly.

Catelyn was no coward and sneered at how disrespectful Lola was. “Alright, since you’re that wealthy, give me five billion. With five billion, I’ll take my son and leave, never to appear before you and Jamie Mason. Alright with you?”

“F—Five billion?” gasped Louella, stunned. “Not even the Clark family was worth that much before you went bankrupt! How can you be so greedy?”

“Weren’t you the one who asked me to name my price?” Catelyn drawled.

Rendered speechless, Louella choked on her own words and blushed.

Lola, too, was provoked by Catelyn and threatened, “Don’t blame me for not warning you, Catelyn. I’ll treat you like an enemy if you refuse to take that b*stard of yours and leave!”

“You’re the ones trying to force me out of my home with bad intentions, so why bother trying to look generous now?” Catelyn no longer wanted to waste her time with both women and dragged Cedrick with her to leave.

Louella watched as she and Cedrick left and hissed, “How can she be so shameless to ask for five billion?”

“Sis, you are pregnant. Don’t get too angry.” Lola moved closer to help support Louella’s weight.

“Our parents don’t know about Jamie’s illegitimate child yet. If words get out, how will others see me?” Tears welled up in Louella’s eyes as she was at the brink of bursting into tears.

“I told you that Jamie isn’t a good guy, and you still insist on choosing him. What’s the point of crying now?” retorted Lola impatiently.

Immediately, Louella started sobbing.

“Alright, alright. I’ll think of something for you and make Catelyn and her b*stard child disappear, okay?” Lola patted the back of her sister’s hand for comfort.

Louella had always trusted her sister. “Can you really make her leave Sapphire City?” She blinked.

Lola’s red lips curled into a vicious smile. “Of course! Even if you’re okay with a step-son, I don’t want a step-nephew.”

Just then, Louella received a phone call from Jamie.


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