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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 224

Chapter 224 It seemed that Catelyn had only reached the preliminary stage of the competition. Of course, she must not be idle; she had to clean up the plagiarism scandal, one way or another. However, she did not expect that things would take a strange turn. As soon as Catelyn came out of the shower, she received a call from Kelly Preston. She told Catelyn that after a series of careful considerations by the company’s top management, they decided to give her another chance.

To be more precise, it was another challenge. Catelyn was asked to complete five design drafts within a week and hand them to Chandier Jewelry without any charges. If her work was excellent, she would be given the opportunity to be the finalist in the competition. Otherwise, she would be removed from the jewelry designing circle of Sapphire City, never to be hired again.

It was clear that Kelly did not even care about Catelyn before this. What, then, was with the sudden change of attitude? Such a question baffled Catelyn.

After listening to the whole story, Stella curled her lips and said, “I think Chandier is trying to get some free labor! She asked you to design five drafts. According to the market price, the cheapest one will cost several thousand, not to mention that when coming from you, it’ll cost even more!”

Catelyn did not answer.

“Perhaps the company executives find out that Queenie is a fake and that you’re the original creator after all?” continued Stella.

Catelyn thought about it and decided to accept the challenge. “Whatever it is, this is an opportunity for me.”

Stella, nonetheless, was worried. “Think about it. If they’re not satisfied with your design, you’ll be kicked out of the designers’ community!” “Grandma, you need to have confidence in Mommy. I believe in her. Come on!” insisted Ollie, his arms pressed to his chest as he cheered for his mother. Catelyn rubbed Ollie’s fluffy hair. “I’ll work hard for this,” she assured him.


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