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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 230

Chapter 230 Maia was so annoyed that her eyes were bulging with blood vessels.

The corners of Catelyn’s lips curved up as she said, unbothered, “Right, a week ago, I saw a couple walking into the International Grand Hotel… Hmm, the woman resembled you so much.

Maia snapped defensively, “What are you talking about? I had never been to the International Grand Hotel! How dare you make false accusations!” “Looks like I have recognized the wrong person then. She looked so much like you, and I even took a photo of her. Do you want to have a look?” Maia’s pupils constricted in fear. Her poised appearance could no longer remain composed. Catelyn watched her reaction and smiled lightly, then patted her shoulders. “Anyone can humiliate me, except you, because you don’t qualify to.” Then, she did not even leave room for rebuttal, turned and pushed her cart, and was about to leave the scene.

However, as soon as she looked up, she froze.

Cedrick had entered the mall and stood right behind the rack near them.

Step by step, he walked toward them with one hand in his pocket. He casually made his way through as though he was taking a stroll. His pair of sharp eyes looked ruthless and were eyeing Maia like a hawk. Maia saw Catelyn stopping after taking just a few steps and turned to take a peek out of curiosity. She was instantly petrified. “Ced… Cedrick, why are you here?”

Cedrick walked to Catelyn emotionlessly and took the cart over naturally. “What took you so long to get a bag of flour? Let’s go. We will see what else we need.”

He did not even look at Maia.

Maia’s face was pale, and she wondered how much of the conversation he had heard. “Cedrick, it was not like what you think. I had a small conflict with Cat, and I did not mean what I said.” She tried to save the situation by explaining, but the more she tried to, the messier it sounded.


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