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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 233

Chapter 233 Cedrick was speechless.

“Don’t get together with Big Demon. I want to marry you when I grow up!”

Cedrick shot a piercing stare at Miles, then said, “Albert, please bring Ollie to class now.”

“My body is so itchy… Mummy, mummy, can you please scratch for me.” Catelyn’s heart almost stopped when she heard the word ‘mummy’. Her eyes widened in disbelief. Cedrick passed it off as Ollie’s wish for Catelyn to be his mother and only frowned slightly.

Albert looked at the funny actions of his young master, failing to hide his smile.

“Master Cedrick, since Miss Clark is here, and Young Master Ollie is so fond of her. Perhaps… We can take a break from the lesson today and only continue tomorrow?” “Why don’t you take a break from your meals today and only continue eating tomorrow?” Poot poot poot!

Suddenly, three fart sounds broke the silence.

It was immediately followed by a pungent smell.

Cedrick was the first to smell it because of the place he was standing. Miles deliberately aimed his bum at him. Cedrick took one big leap backward in shock.

“Ollie Mason!”

Miles grinned cunningly, but he grabbed his own collar exaggeratedly and yelled, “Mummy, Ollie did not do it on purpose… Big Demon, please do not beat me up…” Of course, Catelyn would not scold Miles for it. She looked at Cedrick and said, “He is just a three-year-old toddler…”

Somehow her tone sounded as if she was blaming him for scaring Miles into farting. Cedrick’s face darkened, his lips pursed, and he walked away without saying a word.

Albert was shocked to see that.

Master Cedrick… surrendered?


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