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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 242

Chapter 242 However, Ollie was clearly displaying a child’s innocence compared to how he behaved in the past.

Janice was feeling rather weak from the travels, so the servants helped her to the couch. She extended a hand toward Miles gently and asked, “Ollie, have you missed me?”

“This lady seems to be really important. She must be a senior to Big Demon, right?’ Miles thought to himself as he looked around. He beamed and went to pour a glass of warm water before bringing it to Janice. “Of course I do. I miss you every day! Grandma, have some water…

Janice froze and choked at the bright smile on his face.

Ollie also poured water for her all the time, but he would never smile like this. The child seemed to have inherited Cedrick’s pride and cold nature perfectly, and though he addressed her as his grandma, he wasn’t that close with her. “Good boy.” Janice accepted the glass and drank the water hesitantly. After she set the glass down, Miles took his yellow duck slippers off and crawled to the couch before reaching his little hands and saying, “Grandma, you are old now so I’m going to give you a massage…” He stroked and kneaded her with just the right amount of strength and asked innocently,” How is it?” Though Janice enjoyed it, she was overwhelmed by shock “You are still so young, so you don’t have to do this…” she said while glancing at Albert, clearly looking for an answer for Ollie’s drastic change of character.

Albert smiled gently in contentment. “Miss Coleman, Master Ollie has changed a lot ever since Miss Clark arrived.”


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