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Our Billion-Worth Twins by Velvet Antler novel Chapter 245

Chapter 245 Maia tried to dodge, but Jason grabbed her by the wrist. “What did you just say? Say that again!

Betty’s eyes reddened as she questioned hysterically, “How could it not be you? The Four Seasons Hotel, the scent of gardenia, spending a night there, there were so many coincidences…”

“Before he called the engagement off, I found out that he was looking into what happened all those years back!” Maia decided to come clean and sneered. “I guess he started suspecting me or thought that Catelyn was the woman he was looking for. Don’t forget that Catelyn liked using gardenia perfume before her family went bankrupt…”

Jason gasped. In comparison to cheating, deceiving Cedrick for four years was far worse. The engagement between the Clark and Mason Families only started because Cedrick had’ deflowered’ Maia. If the truth came out, Jason could not begin to imagine the consequences. Though the Clark Family was one of the four most powerful families, the family had been declining since the elder handed the power down to Jason. The family was barely managing to maintain its glorious exterior.

“If you weren’t the one Cedrick Mason was looking for, why didn’t you tell us four years ago?”

Maia’s eyes reddened. “You and Mom seemed so happy about it. Besides, no one showed up in the Mason Mansion for two months, so I thought that no one would notice… Dad, don’t get mad. Let’s think about what to do…”

Jason was so furious that he saw stars.

Betty, too, was terrified of learning the truth. When she saw the dark expression on his face, she reorganized her speech and consoled, “Let’s not be too pessimistic for now. The elder of the Mason Family didn’t exactly say that the engagement was over, did he? Until he does, there’s still a chance…”

Jason simply remained silent with a stern expression.


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